so what do you make of this bizarre situation?

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Not so new Member
May 10, 2009
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Adelaide, South Australia
I have had my coastal since mother's day (approx 4 weeks) and she now hasn't eaten for almost 6 weeks.

We went to the vet because she had mites - he gave her an injection and i treated both her and the viv and now no signs of mites.

Temps are good in the viv, she is reasonable active.

She shed last Friday after what seemed like forever with loose and crappy looking skin, and tonight i notice her eyes are very milky and it looks like she is going to shed again.

I had a forum member come over on Monday to try and help me feed her but she just did not want to eat - and he said she looks nice and healthy to him.

Has this happened to anyone else or do i just seem to have a bizarre snake?

I see her drinking so i know she is getting fluids. Do i need to go back to the vet?

She is approx 6 months old.

What are your thoughts?
I have had my coastal since mother's day (approx 4 weeks) and she now hasn't eaten for almost 6 weeks.

We went to the vet because she had mites - he gave her an injection and i treated both her and the viv and now no signs of mites.

Temps are good in the viv, she is reasonable active.

She shed last Friday after what seemed like forever with loose and crappy looking skin, and tonight i notice her eyes are very milky and it looks like she is going to shed again.

I had a forum member come over on Monday to try and help me feed her but she just did not want to eat - and he said she looks nice and healthy to him.

Has this happened to anyone else or do i just seem to have a bizarre snake?

there is a good chance your snake will go through several closely spaced sheds after a mite infestation.

I see her drinking so i know she is getting fluids. Do i need to go back to the vet?

She is approx 6 months old.

What are your thoughts?

there is a good chance your snake will go through several closely spaced sheds after a mite infestation.
Probably stress from mites/shedding and the weather cooling down is why it's being difficult with feeding.
What treatment did they use for the mites and how many applications?
Thanks Guys.
I think my snake came with the mites!
I can't think of any other way that she would have got them.

The vet could only see a couple so it wasn't obvious. I am pretty confident that she doesn't have them now - no sign of any on her, none in the water bowl, viv has been stripped back pretty bare - newspaper, couple of rocks, new hide box, new accessories etc.
the vet game her an injection and i treated everything with TOD every 3 days for about 5 applications now. her shed was removed from the viv about 1 minute after it came off and then i took her out and treated everything in the viv again - first with TOD, then completely disinfected the whole thing, dried it, resprayed it and put her back in about an hour later.
Everything in the Viv has been changed over to new.
i treated everything with TOD every 3 days for about 5 applications now. .

WOW that's a lot if it only had a mild case read the below instructions it says every 7 days not 3 and that you may need to do it 3 times in total

This is from the TOD web site
Directions For Use
-Remove water bowl/tub from the enclosure before spray, clean it and leave it out for 24 hours
-Remove the reptile from the enclosure
-Spray the interior of the enclosure to form enough fume in the enclosure
-Suggest spray 2-3 seconds for a standard 2 x 3 foot size enclosure
-Leave the enclosure closed for 10-15 minutes, and then return the reptile
-After 24 hours, return the water bowl/tub to the enclosure
-After another 48 hours, clean out enclosure and destroy any substrate (it helps remove mite eggs)
-Spray the enclosure surrounding area as well
-Do not rinse the enclosure and the reptile after spray
-Re-spray the enclosure about seven days later after first application, a third application might be necessary depending on the infestation
Other Tips
-After treating the reptile and the enclosure, spray a line around the enclosure to create a barrier
-Frequently (every day or two) spray around the enclosure to keep the barrier working during treatment
-Suggest use paper as bedding during treatment so that changing bedding is easier
ooh maybe i did it a bit too much!
Evereytime i have done it i have done a full clean out and minimum time i have left her out was an hour - maximum was about 4 hours.

She seems good, very active when she comes out and she is very placid - as in not snappy at all - and the viv is squeaky clean!

I have newspaper on the bottom and have been checking it a lot! No white spots on her head or around her eyes etc.

Everything i read about mites was saying how hard they are to eradicate and how quickly they multiply so i have had some paranoia.

This shed looks like it will come off in one clean piece - the last one was complete, but it was in bits. Hoping this one comes off fairly quickly and that we move into "normal" territory after that.

It has been an interesting 4 weeks of owning my first snake!
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