Socializing my Children's

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New Member
May 30, 2024
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Illinois US
Hello all. I'm curious how to go about socializing my Children's Python. She came from a home that didn't do anything with her besides feed her, and the people that ended getting her after that was an aquatics store that also rehomed reptiles, so it was similar there. I know the second home has handled her, I just don't know how often since it seemed as though they weren't fans of handling her because of her hunger response.

This leads into my main question, which is if you guys have any recommendations on how I can get her a bit more socialized. I took her out today and she didn't strike at me or anything, but she was very stressed and skittish, just wanting to get away from the giant monkey man. It's been about 2 weeks since I got her, and I've held off on handling so she can get used to her new home and the ape that walks around, but I guess that wasn't enough. I'm nervous about having her stressed out too much, and kinda thinking of just leaving her alone unless necessary. So any advice would be great.

Thanks in advance.
I'm in the same boat accept mine is very strike and I think she's just super stressed. I can see her breathing quickly,
I only got her two days ago so going to let her chill and get used to her surrpundings