The kid with the speaking problem
this one has a lot fo swear words so i gota blank em out..ull get it
There once was a kid with a speaking problem, his mum asked him to go down to the shops and get a bucket, a bun and a cocker spaniel (dog)
So the boy walked down to the shops and walked in to the bun shop
Boy: Hi, can i please have a bum?
shop keep: do you mean a bun?
boy: yes, a bum
the boy got is bun and went to the pet shop
boy: can i please have a cock and spank it?
shop: do you mean a cocker spaniel?
boy: yes, a cock and spank it
after the boy had got his dog, he went to the bucket shop
boy: can i please have a F*%$et
shop keeper: do you mean a bucket
boy: yes, a F*%$et
so the boy had gotten all the items his mum had asked and he started walking home
on his way his cocker spaniel got loose and started to run away.
the boy went up to a police officer and said:
can you please hold my bum and F*%$et , while i go get my cock and spank it.