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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2006
Reaction score
South Australia
Here are some random photos of some of the lizards (Gekkota) in my collection. They are pretty bad photos...

Carphodactylus laevis - chameleon gecko. This male was sleeping under a hide - yes, I am a terrible person for waking him up.

Delma tincta - excitable delma.

Lialis burtonis - Burton's legless lizard.

Nephrurus stellatus - starred knob-tailed gecko.

Oedura filicipoda - fringe-toed velvet gecko. A species, like most Oedura, that undergoes remarkable ontogenic change in their colouration and patterns throughout development. The first image shows a hatchling whilst the second image is about a month old. They are almost of adult size now.

Pseudothecadactylus lindneri - northern giant cave gecko. These are rude, homicidal psychopaths.

The following image offers some sense of scale.

Pygopus lepidopodus - common scaly-foot. Absolutely massive geckos with attitude.

Pygopus nigriceps - western hooded scaly-foot.

Pygopus schraderi - eastern hooded scaly-foot. Dreadful photos.

Saltuarius cornutus - northern leaf-tailed gecko.

Saltuarius salebrosus - rough-throated leaf-tailed gecko.

Strophurus elderi - jewelled gecko.

Underwoodisaurus milii - barking gecko.

Well done on getting elderi, nice pics too.
Great photos. Beautiful animals. Hairy fingers :)!

Nice job getting the elderi. Very nice collection.
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shawn how come you didnt show me half of these? I never saw the fringe toeds?
I swear i demand a refund!
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