Myself and my partner have been on a few herping trips lately and I thought id put up a few of the highlights.
I'll start with the local stuff. I've just done a couple of pretty dismal nights herping around Brisbane so far.
As there isn't too much to find I've been able to experiment with some astrophotography a bit. Here's a perons tree frog with star trails behind, a lengthy exposure that I would only recommend if you have a good TV series to watch or a book to read.
Perons Tree Frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
There has been a couple of snakes out though! I finally found a Bandy Bandy, a common species that has eluded me up until now. They have the unique defence mechanism of 'looping up' which I didn't get a photo of of course.
Bandy bandy by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
The laughing tree frogs are all starting to come out in force as well! Perons and tyleri can both be easily found, and definitely heard...
Tylers Tree Frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Perons Tree Frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
That's all I've photographed in Brissy so far! I'm sure there will be more to come
A few weeks earlier though we headed out to Darwin for a few days, I hadn't seen a frilly before so I was stoked to find this little guy chilling on a fence.
Juvenile frill neck lizard by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Juvinile frill necked lizard by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
From Darwin we headed out to kununarra where we found this gorgeous Olive out hunting in a rock crevice.
I've been wanting to experiment with astrophotography for a while now so was happy to get the chance.
An olive python from west kimberley by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
In the morning we found another individual out basking.
Olive Python in habitat by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
I also had the opportunity to photograph my first golden tree. A stinky stinky experience as always.
golden tree snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
On this trip we also found a few more snakes, northern small eyed, olive whip and water python plus a few geckos including a northern beaked. However, the highlight was definitely finding my first small monitors, a primordius and a baritji. We were lucky enough to find these both emerging from burrows under rocks to bask in the afternoon sun.
varanus primordius by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
varanus baritji by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
I'm also a frog lover so here's a few common species we found along the way.
Litoria rothii by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
I love the diversity of colour in this species.
Litoria rothii by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
These guys were wedged into rock crevices. You could find 10-20 at a time during the day and at night the ground was covered in them! Heaven for me
Litoria coplandi by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
An unusually pretty gtf
Green tree frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
The sky's were just gorgeous out in East Kimberley, I couldn't help but try (unsuccessfully) to capture it.
Katherine, NT by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
A few weeks after we got back from Darwin we decided to head out west a little bit into the Brigalow (we live in brissy) for my bday. As it was still a little cold and there hadn't been much rain we weren't expecting a great deal. I was pleasantly surprised with our haul and I managed to get a few new species!
We nicknamed this fatty 'Pokemon frog' he's actually a desert spadefoot toad, a new species.
Common Spade Foot Toad by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We also found a single ornate burrowing frog out a little early.
Ornate Burrowing Frog by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
After frogging for a bit we managed to find this golden tailed gecko, a new species and genus for me. I was pretty damn happy with this!
Golden Tailed Gecko by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
Golden Tailed Gecko by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
The next night we found at least 10 of my second species for the genus, a Williamsi. All of the strophurus are just stunning.
Eastern Spiny Tailed Gecko by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We found a fair few of these adorable steindachneri on the road as well. This little cutie sat up for me and wagged his tail for the camera.
Box Patterned Gecko by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
We only found a couple of snakes, a curl, furina and a dwyers. I only bothered to photograph the dwyers as it was a new species. There must have been a little rain as there were fields covered in these gorgeous purple wild flowers.
Dwyers Snake by jasmine_vink, on Flickr
That's all the Aussie herps for the season so far. It's only just starting to warm up though so the list should get longer in the coming weeks!
I'll start with the local stuff. I've just done a couple of pretty dismal nights herping around Brisbane so far.
As there isn't too much to find I've been able to experiment with some astrophotography a bit. Here's a perons tree frog with star trails behind, a lengthy exposure that I would only recommend if you have a good TV series to watch or a book to read.

There has been a couple of snakes out though! I finally found a Bandy Bandy, a common species that has eluded me up until now. They have the unique defence mechanism of 'looping up' which I didn't get a photo of of course.

The laughing tree frogs are all starting to come out in force as well! Perons and tyleri can both be easily found, and definitely heard...

That's all I've photographed in Brissy so far! I'm sure there will be more to come
A few weeks earlier though we headed out to Darwin for a few days, I hadn't seen a frilly before so I was stoked to find this little guy chilling on a fence.

From Darwin we headed out to kununarra where we found this gorgeous Olive out hunting in a rock crevice.
I've been wanting to experiment with astrophotography for a while now so was happy to get the chance.

In the morning we found another individual out basking.

I also had the opportunity to photograph my first golden tree. A stinky stinky experience as always.

On this trip we also found a few more snakes, northern small eyed, olive whip and water python plus a few geckos including a northern beaked. However, the highlight was definitely finding my first small monitors, a primordius and a baritji. We were lucky enough to find these both emerging from burrows under rocks to bask in the afternoon sun.

I'm also a frog lover so here's a few common species we found along the way.

I love the diversity of colour in this species.

These guys were wedged into rock crevices. You could find 10-20 at a time during the day and at night the ground was covered in them! Heaven for me

An unusually pretty gtf

The sky's were just gorgeous out in East Kimberley, I couldn't help but try (unsuccessfully) to capture it.

A few weeks after we got back from Darwin we decided to head out west a little bit into the Brigalow (we live in brissy) for my bday. As it was still a little cold and there hadn't been much rain we weren't expecting a great deal. I was pleasantly surprised with our haul and I managed to get a few new species!
We nicknamed this fatty 'Pokemon frog' he's actually a desert spadefoot toad, a new species.

We also found a single ornate burrowing frog out a little early.

After frogging for a bit we managed to find this golden tailed gecko, a new species and genus for me. I was pretty damn happy with this!

The next night we found at least 10 of my second species for the genus, a Williamsi. All of the strophurus are just stunning.

We found a fair few of these adorable steindachneri on the road as well. This little cutie sat up for me and wagged his tail for the camera.

We only found a couple of snakes, a curl, furina and a dwyers. I only bothered to photograph the dwyers as it was a new species. There must have been a little rain as there were fields covered in these gorgeous purple wild flowers.

That's all the Aussie herps for the season so far. It's only just starting to warm up though so the list should get longer in the coming weeks!