Spotted Python Wont Eat

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Jan 3, 2022
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My spotted python is about 2.5 yes old.
It hasn't eaten for 5-6 weeks. I've wasted a lot of rats, Weiner and Hopper. I've tried snipping them to get some blood but it just has a sniff and leaves it.
Should I try some extra large mice or even pinkies ?
Have you checked the enclosure temps lately? Sometimes if it's a bit off, they might go off their food. just a thought, but i could be totally wrong about this.
It's nearly winter, they slow down and don't eat.don't worry. 1 of my spots hasn't eaten since mid April, similar for my childrens and 1 of my pygmy banded
Wait till September and try again
Enclosure temps are worth a check but... It's Winter. Try again in Spring. It's not going to fade away over 2-3 months.

Newley hatched babies have survived and lived to grow to normal size and old age despite for whatever reason having a rough start.
Even 7 months or so without eating from the day they hatch.

Imagine how frequently (or should i say infrequently) they would eat in the Wild.
My 2 year old stimsons python hasn't eaten since February so I wouldn't worry. Maybe its me who should be concerned?

I stopped offering after March because I could just tell it wasn't going to happen. I'll try again in September. He seems healthy otherwise.

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