Spotted Python Wont Eat

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Jan 3, 2022
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My spotted python is about 2.5 yes old.
It hasn't eaten for 5-6 weeks. I've wasted a lot of rats, Weiner and Hopper. I've tried snipping them to get some blood but it just has a sniff and leaves it.
Should I try some extra large mice or even pinkies ?
Have you checked the enclosure temps lately? Sometimes if it's a bit off, they might go off their food. just a thought, but i could be totally wrong about this.
It's nearly winter, they slow down and don't eat.don't worry. 1 of my spots hasn't eaten since mid April, similar for my childrens and 1 of my pygmy banded
Wait till September and try again
Enclosure temps are worth a check but... It's Winter. Try again in Spring. It's not going to fade away over 2-3 months.

Newley hatched babies have survived and lived to grow to normal size and old age despite for whatever reason having a rough start.
Even 7 months or so without eating from the day they hatch.

Imagine how frequently (or should i say infrequently) they would eat in the Wild.
My 2 year old stimsons python hasn't eaten since February so I wouldn't worry. Maybe its me who should be concerned?

I stopped offering after March because I could just tell it wasn't going to happen. I'll try again in September. He seems healthy otherwise.
4yr old childreni decided this winter to go off food for the last 13 weeks, used to eat through every previous winter (little pig), same age stimsons always goes off food for 8-10weeks each winter. It's normal you'll notice when they start looking for food again, or when you have a few warm days in a row try again, but wait atleast two weeks between attempts so you 1. Don't stress it out shoving food in it's face constantly and 2. Save yourself some money on wasted food. They can go a lot longer than this without food and are no worse for wear, don't stress it's natural for them. They're not a mammal.