Spotted python won't let go.

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Active Member
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
Parramatta, NSW
Hey guys.

Got my spotted out and he latched onto a towel and thinks it's his dinner. Now he won't let go, I've waved the metho around him since I can't get to him and have put him under some warm water and am holiding a mouse near him trying to get him to let go.

What else!?
lol same thing happend with me and my pygmie beardie he latched onto my tee shirt and wouldnt let go untill i gently pulled his tail he turned around and i picked him up and put him back in his cage. I would say try to gently nudge its tail and see if it turns around, or drip blood onto something thats close to it?
Ok, he's started to fully take the mouse and has let go of the towel and his eating the mouse. He still has a firm grip on the towel but hopefully he'll let go of it and go back in his hide once he's done feeding.

Thanks for the helpful suggestions so far.
While he's eating it might be worth tryin to gently work the towel off wherever it's still connected to his teeth cause it sounds like it could be stuck into a few of his teeth
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