Still Trouble Feeding Bluey...

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New Member
Feb 15, 2009
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Kelso, NSW
Hello again about a week ago i was having trouble feeding my bluey... I took the advice of trying a bit of banana. Now he only wonts to eat banana. I have tried rubbing banana on his vegies but he still wont eat them??? If i put a mixed plate of vegies and banana, he will only eat the banana and if i leave it out he wont eat anything at all.

Any advice??? Thanks
Mine are fairly fussy. They don't like their veges that much so i blend/puree/whack them in the food processor until they're mashed and then mix them in with a bit of banana and some tinned dog food.

They can't get enough of them ... try that .. maybe a bit of egg yolk ?
Hey i fee my mince meat both of my love it an bannan

Give that crack out it all got get some crickets
Havn't read your other thread so this might have been mentioned already....

Give him some jelly meat cat food. The blueys i used to have loved it. At least then they'll be eating something other then bannana
I feed my on mince meat or bannan if not try crickets

My love it ...or pinky mice or pinky rats all go on to utube it mite give you some ideas .
Being that your bluey isn't very old i wouldn't go near pinky mice. Too young plus you need to know what you're doing. I'd try crickets though. My 4 month old baby loves crickets and woodies.
Mitch, check your temps, it might be trying to go into brumation.
Azza, if you feed them a lot of pureed food make sure they get some stuff to crunch on every so often - a diet of mostly soft foods can sometimes lead to gum problems, frozen/thawed snails and insects are good for the job. Thawed pinkies are also fine for young blueys if it's the right size, if not just chop it up.
hey i have the same problem sorta i have 2 four month old babies they ate today but one didnt want the carrot or apple i put on a plate so i thought i would add some turkey mince and they love that so you could give that ago and raw or boiled egg or even raw chicken they love all that or with the mince like i do i hide the veges and fruit inside it because they take massive mouthfuls.
they like garden snails. just make sure there aint no snail bait laying around.
Also you can get alot of banana.. mash it up a bit and mix a tiny tiny bit of something else and slowly add more to the mix over time... maybe that will help
dont know if its been suggested but i fed mine meal worms you could try that
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