still waiting.....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Darwin NT
well eggs are 58 days through today, got 2 left, 1 looks to have twins the egg is double the size as the other and there apears to be 2 heads in it shadows what I can see. the eggs look like golf balls with the dints, havent caved in or started sweating yet.......waiting still. temp on 31.7 - 32 degrees humidity on 78 - 88% tub doesn't have much moisture on the sides building up, I checked substrate not much moisture added some water but not much. air it every 2 days due to rotted eggs attached to good ones. eggs not soft and when candled big egg has movement and is growing quite well and shifts position ever time I check, still heaps of room to move. other egg is more caved in where old dead eggs where removed and looks like a golf ball on top can't see much inside due to shadows from the little dints both eggs are still white, no mould, no discolouration.

I hope they hatch soon, but do the eggs sound like I am doing the right thing or do they sound like they are too dry and need more moisture?
should I pip at 60 days or let them patch themselves?
What reptile is in the eggs??

Someone did a poll on here whether to open his ( from Memory ) Gecko eggs.... And there was a bias to leaving them alone.... Eventually they hatched when they were ready......
yeah I ready it, they are cape york Coastals eggs. there was another question there two, which I'm more interested in.
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