Stimson digging itself into trouble.

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Active Member
May 2, 2010
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Wagga Wagga, NSW
I have a nearly 12 month old Stimson's Python. She's great, fed half a dozen times since it's warmed up. All is well.

I have her in a 2ft Exoterra tank, with a heat mat as the only heating source.

She has two hides, one at the 32º end, and one at the 22° end. She moves around between them.

I have aspen shavings 2 inches thick as bedding.

A while back she gave me a scare. I couldn't find her in the tank! Eventually found her snuggled right down near the heat pad (Which is external, but stuck to glass) under the shavings. I dug her out, flattened the bedding a fair bit, and turned the heater up a little. (Hitting 34°)

Then she started getting as high as she could. Right up the top. If you have an exoterra, there's a lip with a gap at the top rear of the tank, above where the foam rock background sits. She had wedged herself in there. She was fine, could move... So I turned the heat back down. (to 32)

Since then, she's dug holes all through the place. I often find her with 3-4inches of head half buried. Not necessarily above the heat mat.

It's actually getting a little dangerous though. She dug herself down, near the back corner, found the opening at the bottom of the foam background where cables can be fed through, squeezed in and wedged herself in the back of the foam background in the cable channels. Just glad I had the cable holes sealed properly, as she might have squeezed through and thus out of the tank.

Is there any reason she would be doing this? Hungry? Scared? Bored? She usually digs of en evening/night. I just heard her doing it before and it reminded me to ask.

It won't be such a problem when she's a bit bigger... but I'm really not comfortable with her doing it when I don't know why.
mr baggins
Don't worry, your snake is fine & doing all the things a snake should do.
By the remarks you have made about heat in the enclosure ie: hot end & cool end, everything is spot on.

All little snakes untill they are realy big snakes are escape artist & will try every spot to get out untill they settle down & be comfortable.
It sounds like your little guy/girl is just being a snake, & the digging in is how they like to hide.

If you have not already put some open hides in the enclosure, EG: box or half hollow log etc. ALL SNAKES LOVE TO HIDE.
even try egg cartons cut in half, it will love these.
Hrm... it has 2 hides, a terracotta pot with a hole in the bottom (upside down, so as to be entirely enclosed except the hole which is now on top) and a stock bought snake hide. One is in hot end, one is cold.

So I should just add more and more hiding spots? Even partially open ones?

She used to hide in the fake plants a fair bit, and now that I think about it, when I moved these started this off... Might put them back, and find some other hidey type things.
my children rips my aspen apart lol it kinda looks like an ant farm got holes everywher n tunnels n just before i was watchin him and he was pokin his nose in the holes i had made him for the air to get in lol bloody weird animals hahha.
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