stimson laid eggs

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2008
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hi my stimson has laid its eggs. she laid 8 eggs all up, 5 of them look alright but 3 of them are half the size of the other ones and got a brown tinj to them they are all in the incubator should i get rid of the smaller ones or keep them and see wot happens please help thanks heaps
not realy dont have a camera theres 2 smaller ones that are white and there is 1 with a browny tinj to it should i hold onto them and see how they go or get rid of them
The off coloured one is prolly infertile/slug... But I couldn't really say unless i seen it. Someone else might tell you.
congrats, pics would be best to see if they are good or not.
but it wont do any harm if ya leave em in they for a couple days and see what happens. just keep em seperate from rest. if they start to smell or change colour, they are no good.
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