Stimson retained some skin

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Not so new Member
Oct 4, 2009
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My Stimmy has just shed two days ago and last night when he was out and about i noticed he has still left some skin on half his head covering one of his eyes. Other than that it was a perfect shed everything else came off in one peice, how long should i leave it on there?

And if it gets to that whats the best way to remove it?

if it bothering your dtimmie try gently passing snake through a damp tea towel or if it an if its not bothering him/her just leave it come of if you have some branches/twigs can rub it off if that makes sense
Hi CML88,
Yes, you are going to have to assist.....there are plenty of threads covering this in detail, (use the search function), but as pythrulz has mentioned this is a good starting point.
also to prevent this happening again when you notice your stimmie going inot shed again mist morning and night with a fine mist of water from a water squirter this will keep the skin lovely and soft and it should all come away.

I would be getting a damp towel and encouraging the snake to crawl through it over and over till it comes away. if the skin is left on it can cause retained spectacle which can be bad for their eyes. So if you can gently work on getting the snake to rub it off through a towel I would be doing it.

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