Swelling On Jungle's Nose

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Gday All,

I just noticed that my jungle python has some swelling on its head/nose area. I did not notice this this morning and it appears to have come on fairly rapidly. He is still behaving fine and is very alert and active as per usual at night.

Anyone have ideas or suggestions? If it not gone in the morning I was thinking a trip to the vet would be in order. Any ideas on what it could be would be great.

His behaviour as been normal recently apart from one incident i posted on here recently where he woke up and went a bit berko around his cage and was banging his nose repeatedly against the walls of his enclosure...could this be swelling/bruising from that perhaps?

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It really is swollen itsnt it! i would be taking him to the vets anyway! I hope he is ok!
barno - yeah its pretty bad and it has come on so quickly as well....wont be a fun trip to the vet with this ones attitude!!
Hasn't recently shed? Retained shed can cause swelling similar look to that if they can't get it off. Otherwise, forget his attitude, get him to the vet. Last thing you need is a swelling like that blocking his airways.
mysnake - last shed was a while ago and was all in one piece.

one other thing, he was last fed on firday night (small adult rat) and he struck really hard, as per normal< but dropped it straight away and sort of backed away...then went back to it to eat it. Could he have possibly hurt / damaged something then??

He might be coming up to a shed, i remember reading something about some people see some swelling in the head when their snake is coming up to a shed something about build up of shedding oils.
has he struck the glass or the side of the enclosure as someone has walked past, or missed when being fed and hit something? im wondering if its swelling related to bruising. if you dont have an answer and are worried about it, a visit to a vet is probably the right thing to do
Gday All,

His behaviour as been normal recently apart from one incident i posted on here recently where he woke up and went a bit berko around his cage and was banging his nose repeatedly against the walls of his enclosure...could this be swelling/bruising from that perhaps?


David, I just read your other post and it sounds like that could be the cause, I'd watch him carefully over the next couple of days to see if goes down, if he doesn't get better take him to the vet
checked on him this morning and the swelling has pretty much gone completely. Im thinking that because it came and went so quickly that it must just be bruising/swelling. I am going to keep an eye on him for a couple more days and see if anything strange happens but hopefully its all ok.

If anyone has any advice or suggestions on what it could be to appear and dissappear so quickly?

Could have broken a tooth and its pierced his mouth somewhere...I would watch for anymore swelling/ infection....prob.nothing snakes are hardy little critters
I would brave the teeth and try to have a look in at the roof of the mouth and around the teeth for any sign of infection/swelling..
thanks guys. Will see how he looks when I get home and maybe have a look in his mouth for any redness/swelling etc.

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