'Taming'/handling an angry little dragon...

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Well, as happy as I am with my gorgeous new baby boy, Remmy, the central bearded dragon... I can't seem to handle him at all. I haven't had him long, but I have owned one (central bearded) in the past and had no problems.
Thing is though, when he first arrived in his previous enclosure and all he would tolerate me, I was able to handle him and hand-feed him without a problem, although he was cautious.
But now - I swear, he's the devil. I walk up to the enclosure and he displays, I un-lock the enclosure and he strikes and I put my hand in the enclosure and he tags me.
What did I do wrong? I swear... I am more than over it. He's a beautiful herp and seemed liked he was making progress, but now he's a nightmare.
Now I realise just how much I miss my previous beardie who we had to sell... I really wish there wasn't the 6 month rule.
Any tips would be much appreciated - I just wish I could handle my little guy (affectionately known as the 'bastard child'...).

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why do u wish that there wasnt the 6 month rule for ?
i just think to leave it be for a few weeks , no trying to handle and see if it makes a diffrence .
why do u wish that there wasnt the 6 month rule for ?
i just think to leave it be for a few weeks , no trying to handle and see if it makes a diffrence .
I think it's because she wants to get rid of the poor little fella.
G'day LadyJ... sounds like you've got a problem child! I can only speak from my own experience here, and unfortunately, it's not that extensive.
We purchased a 10mo female that had been kept outside and unhandled for its whole life, so she was as good as wild when we got her - bitey, flighty and just not very friendly at all. The technique we adopted to 'tame' her was simply persistence! Every time we walked past her cage, we'd reach in and pick her up, regardless of how angry she was. Once she was in the hand, we'd pat her and stroke her until she settled down. We'd give her lots of rubs and scratches under the chin until she stopped displaying, and then we'd simply hold onto her and pat her for as long as we had time to. In addition to this, we'd always offer food. It took ages, months and months in fact, but eventually she stopped seeing us as a threat, and more as a food dispenser and warmth provider.
Now she is as calm as all of our others that we had raised from hatchy; in fact she's a complete sook now and loves nothing more than to snuggle into a warm neck for hours! We're also comfortable taking her outside for supervised 'plays', and she now free-roams around the house with our other female beardie.
I hope this helps somewhat; as you'd be aware, every lizard has a different personality, so what worked with Sandy might not be the way to go with Remmy. Nevertheless, I still think that persistence and plenty of time handling will eventually (hopefully) yield a placid, happy beardie!
Btw, he's a gorgeous looking little thing! Good luck with it all, and I'll be curious to see how you go.
its amazing,,, you got yourself a bit of a challenge and you wish you could throw the towel in ....
do the basics for a bit and leave him alone as much as you can ..he may warm up to you ..then again he may not ;)
Haha don't worry, I've got a similar problem with a spotted python I purchased recently - little bastard of a thing. He tried to eat my jumper once... (Grabbed hold and curled around it. I laughed so hard that night I almost dropped the poor thing.) But, as time goes on I make sure to handle him until it looks like he's stressing too much, and do this every day.

It's taken a while, but at least he doesn't strike at me when I walk past now!
Lol he's bein a nightmare? Maybe cumin up to a shed maybe? Only assuming that becoz my jungle just tagged me 4 times today so left her in her hide, she's been in there for 3 days now which is unusual so yeh figure it's the shedding stage.
Aww, thank you everyone. To those concerned for him - I could never actually get rid of him or mistreat him in any way, I wouldn't just 'give-up' on an animal (ask the cockatiel I spent 6 weeks with camped out front of his enclosure everyday, he's my best pal now and more tame and trained than most dogs I know <3).
I'll keep trying - just wasn't sure of the approach. If daily handling regardless of his opinion is the best option (which it seems to be) I'll stick with it.
Aww, thank you everyone. To those concerned for him - I could never actually get rid of him or mistreat him in any way, I wouldn't just 'give-up' on an animal (ask the cockatiel I spent 6 weeks with camped out front of his enclosure everyday, he's my best pal now and more tame and trained than most dogs I know <3).
I'll keep trying - just wasn't sure of the approach. If daily handling regardless of his opinion is the best option (which it seems to be) I'll stick with it.
good i thought when u said " I really wish there wasn't the 6 month rule " there might have been a miss understanding .
Lol he's bein a nightmare? Maybe cumin up to a shed maybe? Only assuming that becoz my jungle just tagged me 4 times today so left her in her hide, she's been in there for 3 days now which is unusual so yeh figure it's the shedding stage.
i think there may be a diffrence between a beardie and a jungle python with sheds.
yeh im probably way off driftoz, but hey, just tryin ta help
Head over to your local dvd shop and ask if they have a copy of this...


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sounds like time for some ridilyn, j/k, most juvenilles are protective no matter what reptile the are put yourself in there shoes see how they feel your tiny and this massive hand comes into your home, with time/age and handling the dragon will settle down there is no tricks just common sense make slower movements and when you do go in there home offer something of interest they may not take it until a trust has developed little piece of fruit or a cricket in hand,

the 6month rule is there for great and valid reasons stop people making a quick dollar, any buying pets and getting over them in a week,

just time and patience will go a very long way, might be a pain untill they settle but well worth it, every second day take him/her out of there enclosure for a few minutes at a time, as the time progresses you will they will settle make sure when you handle them you support them well and just extend the time so it get longer, most reps settle down when out of there home,

if you dont want your dragon ill take him/her off your hands the 6month rule maybe dissmissed with approval from your licneseing department with good evidence why you cant keep the reptile not a good look though
give it some time then try he should settle down, have you thought of a pair they seem happyer =)

Just my 2 cents worth, Daniel
Thanks everyone! Well... 'bastard-child' seems to be settling in. Taking things slow and easy and hand-feeding him quite a bit, whenever he would display or strike I'd carefully pop a bit of broccoli into his open mouth (as per suggest from a friend and a guide I've since lost).
He's now seemingly mellow, allowing me to gently stroke the top of his head until he closes his eyes and relaxes, settling back into the normal breathing pattern and putting down his beard.
Rushing into things I picked him up the other day and he seemed quite proud sitting atop my shoulder as I talked to him - what a cute sight!
Thank you for the suggestions everyone... and I'd never think of replacing or parting with him, let me assure you.
lol, i got a 2 year old female a few months ago that was the crankiest thing ive ever seen, according to her previous owner she'd been like that all her life (she also has friendly beardies, so this one really was an exception)
like seriously, come within a few meters of her and she'd be all flared up, mouth open trying to bite, was always backled into corners so all u could see was mouth, absoluetly cute as! :)

anyway, the solution that worked with her was a major overload of love, she'd flare up, id pick her up and smother her with kisses, rub my nose against hers and cuddle the crap out of her,....3 months later shes an awesome little girl, still has the occasional flare but that makes her all the cuter! :)

good luck with taming ur monster, it might take a while but its well worth it.

(worth it not just for me, this girl is now really happy, no longer stressed and free ranging with her new friends, shes a totally different very confident dragon now)
lol, i got a 2 year old female a few months ago that was the crankiest thing ive ever seen, according to her previous owner she'd been like that all her life (she also has friendly beardies, so this one really was an exception)
like seriously, come within a few meters of her and she'd be all flared up, mouth open trying to bite, was always backled into corners so all u could see was mouth, absoluetly cute as! :)

anyway, the solution that worked with her was a major overload of love, she'd flare up, id pick her up and smother her with kisses, rub my nose against hers and cuddle the crap out of her,....3 months later shes an awesome little girl, still has the occasional flare but that makes her all the cuter! :)

good luck with taming ur monster, it might take a while but its well worth it.

(worth it not just for me, this girl is now really happy, no longer stressed and free ranging with her new friends, shes a totally different very confident dragon now)

Aww, thank you! Bit of an inspirational and encouraging post for me, sweet story and great advice! It's so tempting not to cuddle him to death - he really is the cutest thing (I forget just how adorable they are, especially curled up asleep!) and knowing that it can be benificial is great. Wish there was a feature to thank you for the post, but instead, this'll have to do...
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