Hey all now for he past few days ive had troubles as to were to take temp readings from in my click clack... I will be picking up my diamond python hatchi in the next couple of days yay, and was confused about the temps in click clack if on the warm side the ground temp should be around 28 degrees or if the whole warm side had to be 28.. now i had plenty of different answers some people said if the ground temp is 28 thats fine and some other people said the whole warm side should be 28 which would mean the ground temp would be around 32 degrees...
so as i had troubles with this i was wondering if people could give there opinion and how they check there temps in click clacks for all the newb's like me
thanks all Tom
so as i had troubles with this i was wondering if people could give there opinion and how they check there temps in click clacks for all the newb's like me
thanks all Tom