Temps in the click clack ( for the newbs )

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Hey all now for he past few days ive had troubles as to were to take temp readings from in my click clack... I will be picking up my diamond python hatchi in the next couple of days yay, and was confused about the temps in click clack if on the warm side the ground temp should be around 28 degrees or if the whole warm side had to be 28.. now i had plenty of different answers some people said if the ground temp is 28 thats fine and some other people said the whole warm side should be 28 which would mean the ground temp would be around 32 degrees...

so as i had troubles with this i was wondering if people could give there opinion and how they check there temps in click clacks for all the newb's like me :D

thanks all Tom
I think it should be the floor temp. As they will go there to warm up. If the air temp is 28 then the direct floor temp would be higher and possible wouldn't be good for snakey. Plus with click clacks it's hard to keep air temps different at each end (due to small space). So if using heat mat or heat cord only covering 1/3 of floor space under the click clack. Then use thermometer to measure floor temp each side inside click clack.

That's what I do with my bredli. I know different snake, but same principle. Just need to find out the right temp and try and keep to it.
Air temp is just as important as ground temp.If air temps are too low then you may find it difficult to get the hatchie into a good feeding routine.

I would go with " some other people said the whole warm side should be 28 which would mean the ground temp would be around 32 degrees"
I didn't say air temp wasn't important. I just said to measure from the ground. So if you measure the hot end ground temp it would be the hottest you want in the click clack, and measure the cold end. You should then in theory have temperatures in between on the floor and in the air for the snake to move between.
my click clack for my womas are around 32-33 on the floor and around 28-29 in the air....
the warm end gets to around 25 in the cool end
I didn't say air temp wasn't important. I just said to measure from the ground. So if you measure the hot end ground temp it would be the hottest you want in the click clack, and measure the cold end. You should then in theory have temperatures in between on the floor and in the air for the snake to move between.

I didn't say you did.
To get the air temp on warm side up to 28 would mean the ground temp in my click clack would be 33 - 34 mabybe even a little warmer that would be heaps to warm for a diamond yeah??? my temps so far are 28 ground temp on warm side then half way up on warm side is around 24 - 25 then the cool side is around 22 - 23....

what are some of your readings
yeah i can sorta help, i don't have my diamond in a click clack, mines in an enclosure. but my hot end ( under the basking spot) is about 27 and the cool end (near the bottom) is about 23. there cold weather snakes mate you don't need to bash the heat into them.
Air temp is just as important as ground temp.If air temps are too low then you may find it difficult to get the hatchie into a good feeding routine."

IMO, i'd go with this answer, AIR temp, after you have had it a week or so watch which end it likes better and adjust the temps to suit, ie if it's cold it won't move from the warm spot, if it's too warm it won't move from the cool end.
don't forget to have somewhere for it to climb up on :D
the problem is to get the air temp up i have to have the ground temp at around 33 degrees, to hot for a diamond
Then just keep the floor temp at your highest, and snakey can go down to warm up. Then can go back to tree later if it wants. As long as there is somewhere in the click clack for it to get desired heating temp.
No worries.. thanks for all the advice... feel free everyone to send your opinions.
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