The Crest of a Boyds Forest Dragon & its use.

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Not to contradict Scott, but I believe (based on my very limited experience with boydii), that dominance can be an issue, even in young, sexually immature, boydii. I'm definitely not saying always, as it seems to be an exception rather than the rule, but it's a possibility.

I would suggest that anyone planning on getting more than one of these take into account the possibility that they may need to be housed separately, as mine currently are.

Also note that mine have been separated for some time, due to dominating behaviour from one of the two. It is possible that had I left them together, they would have sorted it out themselves and then continued on in peaceful co-habitation, but I chose to separate immediately to prevent any issues.

As for handling, I very much consider mine to be "look but don't touch animals," more so than most of the other reptiles I keep. One of mine I could possibly get accustomed to handling, if I was so inclined, the other is very skittish and I believe any regular, non-essential handling would be to her detriment. It's probably an individual thing though.
That was my concern Aspidites, I've been doing some reaserch in preparation to buying a pair & with my other Dragons I've always had to separate them.

Yeah I agree asp, that's why i'm looking forward to having a colony to experience what you have witnessed and see if it is purely sexually related or what...My bet's still on 2 males....
Maybe asp, you just have an "A" hole Boydii, there are humans like that, why not;)
Your saga's been going on for what seems like ages, how old are they now?
Not to contradict Scott, but I believe (based on my very limited experience with boydii), that dominance can be an issue, even in young, sexually immature, boydii. I'm definitely not saying always, as it seems to be an exception rather than the rule, but it's a possibility.

I would suggest that anyone planning on getting more than one of these take into account the possibility that they may need to be housed separately, as mine currently are.

Also note that mine have been separated for some time, due to dominating behaviour from one of the two. It is possible that had I left them together, they would have sorted it out themselves and then continued on in peaceful co-habitation, but I chose to separate immediately to prevent any issues.

As for handling, I very much consider mine to be "look but don't touch animals," more so than most of the other reptiles I keep. One of mine I could possibly get accustomed to handling, if I was so inclined, the other is very skittish and I believe any regular, non-essential handling would be to her detriment. It's probably an individual thing though.
It's certainly interesting, that's for sure. Finding out exactly what sex these guys are could offer an explanation for it, but that's some time off yet.

I got these guys about 4.5 months ago and off the top of my head I think they were 2-3 months old when I got them... or was it 3-4? Somewhere around there anyway. So they're approximately 6.5 - 8.5 months old now.

It's been a long time since I attempted to reintroduce them. I pretty much gave up on the idea, because every time I tried, the same things would eventually happen. Sometimes it took a few hours, sometimes it was immediate, but there was always conflict. I've probably posted this in other threads, but some of the behaviour noted was:

- "Aggressor" performing jerky, "violent" head-bobbing
- "Aggressor" gaping
- "Aggressor" chasing the other
- "Aggressor" licking the other
- "Aggressor" attempting to bite the other (I distracted it as it went in for the bite, and immediately separated them)

At this stage, I have no intention of attempting a reintroduction in the near future. The submissive one has ceased eating voluntarily of late (while the aggressor is still powering down food and they're both kept in EXACTLY the same setup) and is being assist-fed at this point. I'll only even consider attempting to reintroduce them after the submissive one is eating voluntarily and has been for some time.

I'm very keen to find out what sex they are, because, as you suggest, it could be indicative of two males... although the age at which this was noted makes that seem a little odd; certainly still a possibility that it is gender related though.

That leads me to a question... I have heard rumour that there is some sexual dimorphism in boydii and that they can be sexed visually as they near maturity. I've been unable to find out any specifics, other than their vents are supposedly of a different shape. Everything else I've heard indicates that there is no sexual dimorphism. Have you heard anything concrete about this, Scott?

I guess Lee, when you look at the pics there is definitely some sexual dimorphism there, you can clearly see the difference... When I picked these 2 from a tub full of them at 3 months old, I actually had an educated guess based on my experience with [FONT=arial,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]Hypsilurus spinipes and luckily my choice was good.
I'll be interested to note the obsevations on a larger scale and see if I just fluked this choice. lol
Here's a result of the action previously documented. A small clutch of 3 eggs laid on 29.6.08.
I week later, the boy's back on the time for rest for the girl hey!!!
And all you mums at home think you have it bad, imagine being a lizard! lol


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awsome mate,good luck with the eggs,must be cool being aqble to keep them,hope the are added to the vic licencing schedules down the track,fingers crossed with your eggs and hopefully the follow up clutches
Congrats mate,
you have good timing ,catching them mating and now the female laying,
keep them pics coming

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