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'clean highliter lemon yellow colour

Striped Tully x Palmerston,she's so bright and clean highliter lemon yellow colour and looks better in the flesh and gets better each shed,some jungles yellow isn't as clean like this one I actually .

Very nice Browns!

that , 'Striped Tully x Palmerston, it is a good description -IMO- of a 'clean highliter lemon yellow colour'

I've heard rumours indicus got rid of all his animals because of opmv which is a load of bull,anyone who got animals from him will tell you they're healthy as and in great condition and he parted with his animals for his own personal reasons which he'll be explaining on here soon as he's heard the rubbissh about opmv which is totally unfounded and close to slander...

:shock: thats the first Ive heard of these rumours Browns and as a person who bought a few animals from Tremain can assure anyone Tremain's animals were and are, still in great health. Ive actually bred and already hatched two clutches of Black and White Julattens from animals I got in May 2009 from Tremain with 100% hatch rates.
Thanks for the comments peoplesand nope no fancy names or calling average animals reduced pattern that clearly aren't for ridiculous prices as they have that black and whitish thing happening lol I guess I could call them "Pully jungles" which is what some should be calling theirs hey Kris,wadda ya reckon?Some of the poor newbies just getting into herps green as who hear a fancy designer name for some regular snakes and buy them then realise they've been well and truly scammed!

Yeah Colin I heard a few rumours and so have others and as we know it's not the case!He parted with top quality animals and proven breeders and anyone who got animals from him will all say the same that they're $100 healthy with no problems whatsoever.It's funny some of the rubbish that goes on behind the scenes.

He actully deserves more recognition than he has as he introduced TRUE BW's into the hobby and top quality ones at that!
re the

That is very good that tully palmerstone browns,he bred some good critters the old indicus,ide say he will be back into the herps sooner or later as hes got it in his blood. Ime all for names or descriptions of herps if they fit,the capets with the increased pattern that are called reduced,well could of been a rumour started by a dyslexic layman but its good for a few bucks .
Hahaha i laugh at you guys who have a big cry over Reduced Pattern and crap like that, to me if there is a reduction from the norm then its reduced pattern. Fits the bill to me. Fun to read the whining though.
But gunny what is the norm?Jungles come in such a massively wide assortment of patterns and many termed rp are just a reasonably normal jungle pattern.My striped jungle above isn't the norm but isn't a reduced pattern either,maybe abberrent pattern?Yours is a reasonably common pattern in jungles fropm whatt I can see but I can also see why you call it rp as ifit were a Prossie for example it would be an rp but it's hard to know where to draw aline between reduced and normal and we all know both jungles and coastals have such a wide variety of patterns.

Nice jungle Tojo,different than most SXR animals which I assume it is?Again,different to the norm for that line however not reduced pattern!
re the

Keeping on topic here are a pair of "mixed locality Atherton Type Jungles" This will probably be next years pairing.

Be nice and loving to each other,


That larger one would give the old gunny a reduced pattern orgasm,its a very nice snake! :lol:
I put up the incorrect photo in post 1198. This probably going to be one of next years pairings. She's put all her condition back on from laying her clutch a few weeks ago.

Here is the one it was meant to be.....

Yeah they're alright i guess.... ;):p
Great threads guys. Heres a couple of holdbacks from last season and a pic of there mother.
I put up the incorrect photo in post 1198. This probably going to be one of next years pairings. She's put all her condition back on from laying her clutch a few weeks ago.

Here is the one it was meant to be.....

spectacular animals mate.. sensational patterns on both of them :D
put my name down for a pair or trio next year that look similar to that please kris..
I like that pair Kris[1204],those holdbacks are stunning Snakeitup,defiantly worth holding onto...MARK
couple of feeding pics from last weekend.. and the last one is apollo x aphrodite clutch tonight :D
cheers :D pic from this morning of apollo x aphrodite hatchies and the second pic is last weeks black krauss male x striped (devil) female and one of hatchies..
still have a couple more clutches in the cooker almost ready to hatch too..
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