Ahh .."The good old days", firecracker night was so much fun, damn shame my kids cant enjoy that, and so many other simple pleasures we had. We dont "bubblewrap" them but we do face reality, they are not allowed out of our backyard unsupervised, nor do they walk to or from school alone. They catch the bus both ways and we we take them to and from the bustop aswell, it was ok for us 20 yrs ago but we could wander far n wide without the slightest possibility of kidnap, rape murder or being hit by some idiots car. There are very few other kids their age in our hood anyway, though they stay over at freinds and vice versa.
We dont allow them to numb theirbrains on telly and puters though, they go outside and play with/look after pets, make thereown fun. With so many toys they have they dont dare say "were bored". lol
The days of sending the kids to the local shop have long since gone too. Between the law and society they miss out on alot but we try to make up for that with regular supervised adventures, like bushwalking/herping, horseriding, helicopter andsmall plane joyflights, and anything else that requires energy. Cost a fortune for them to get the life we had for nothing.
Country kids definatly get a better deal imo.