Differences/likenesses between US & AU:
11 Things I’ve Learned From APS…or the unofficial APS site rules.
1)Cats are EVIL. Anyone in the presence of cat should immediately consider relocating themselves as simply LOOKING at one has been known to kill innocent reptiles across the globe. One cat can kill ONE THOUSAND reptiles in ONE MINUTE.
Dogs, cats, and birds will kill your reptiles depending on who is posting.
2)Exotics are also EVIL. Any snake or lizard from another country will DECIMATE native wildlife as its escape from captivity is INEVITABLE. Once escaped the specimens will AUTOMATICALLY adapt with no problems and begin their reign of TERROR. They are also MUCH uglier than native wildlife. The numerous multicoloured Ball Python morphs have NOTHING on a Children’s Python.
Most things here ARE exotics, normal native species are mainly boring, although they have a following, too.
3)Hybrids are the SON OF EVIL. They are an offense to the NATURAL order and NEVER EVER occur in nature. Hybrids, like any exotic, are also PHENOMENALLY ugly. Anyone who likes the look of hybrids should have their EYES removed and replaced with MARBLES since that will not only make the said person look better, but also be of more USE to them.
OMG, this is everywhere. However, here they hybridize the weirdest things. You should check it out cause some of the things are extremely ugly and some are incredibly beautiful. Why did anyone ever decide to cross a woma with a royal python? Or a GTP with a carpet? I personally have two colubrid hybrids that I bought and they are beautiful sweet creatures that would never pass for a pure specimen from either species. The arguements online are the same.
4)Feeding live is TANTAMOUNT TO EVIL. It is also ILLEGAL. Yes, in almost ALL other instances we fight for keeping things NATURAL but c’mon, OBVIOUSLY not this. Feeding live is ONE step away from being a SERIAL KILLER. In NO cases is feeding live acceptable. It is INHUMANE and IMMORAL. We LOVE animals. Unless you are an INSECT or FISH, then NOBODY CARES.
Same here, completely immoral, unless you're a person whose animals will not eat frozen/thawed. It is highly immoral to KILL the prey for the snake, too. Cruel to the rodent. Many arguements about the "humane" way to euthanize.
[I was at an exotic animal show recently and a woman actually said (when walking past the live feeder rodent tables) that we should feed the snakes VEGETABLES because feeding them rats and mice was cruel!]
5)Your substrate DEFINES how much you love your reptile. Breeders Choice pellets are in the AXIS OF EVIL. Obviously Snake Ranch are CRAZY. BC pellets have been known to SNEAK up on snakes while the SLEEP and stage ELABORATE schemes to try to suffocate them. NEWSPAPER is the only viable substrate, which is convenient as it is also NATURALLY what snakes use in the WILD.
Substrate arguements are common but there are so many different types that the arguements get lost quickly. Paper towel and newspaper rule here.
6)Never post a question that has been ASKED BEFORE. Regardless of WHEN it was last asked. It will WASTE the valuable TIME of the 7 people who INSIST on pointing that it has been PREVIOUSLY answered INSTEAD of simply answering it themselves and will definitely NOT possibly start an INTERESTING discussion. There will ALSO be NO chance of more RECENT data or DIFFERENT opinions that were not previously aired. ONLY ever bring ORIGINAL questions to the forum. IF you are a 10 yr old potential herper you BETTER have read up on the LATEST genetically relevant research on snakes so as to bring something NEW to the forum. This way, we can ADVANCE at a rate of APPROXIMATELY 1 new post a WEEK.
Yeah, what that said. Happens all the time here.
7)If you post a QUESTION that has already been answered 3 times that WEEK you are OFFICIALLY one of those people who needs MARBLES for eyes.
Me thinks this needs to be posted over here on some forums. I really appreciated this one as it's the first time I have heard the expression and it is lovely!
8)When you post, make sure you can SPELL. If not, your writing may PHYSICALLY ASSAULT reader’s eyes causing them to respond with UNREASONABLY HARSH and SARCASTIC remarks. These remarks can also be motivated by the above mentioned PREVIOUSLY ANSWERED QUESTIONS. What’s that? You’re 9? Who CARES? We are a REPTILE FORUM and therefore also ADHERE to the rules that would apply to a “SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND GRAMMAR” forum.
Yes, same here.
9)If you’re 30 and are ALSO receiving UNREASONABLY HARSH and SARCASTIC remarks, well, why can’t you SPELL?
LOL!!!!! Same here!
10)We are a REPTILE FORUM. Post only REPTILE related topics. The CHIT CHAT section is there for DECORATIVE purposes only. Screw COMMUNITY we only care about REPTILES. We are a REPTILE FORUM. If you have OTHER interests or want to SHARE with or GET TO KNOW other MEMBERS then HARDEN UP. REPTILES are our ONLY concern. We are a REPTILE FORUM.
Now here it's different depending on the forum. We have forums that have special sections for people who want to share life experiences or even fight with each other without disrupting the flow of the normal workings of that forum. There are the type that are extremely specific, though.
11)If 90% of your posts are in the CHIT CHAT section then WHAT THE HELL? We are a REPTILE FORUM. Go play MARBLES with your EYES.