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Plans fall apart

:evil:-Not meaning to bump out your domestic discussion,though i feel i have a larger issue needing of a good venting.
You know when youve got an event you really want to go to, and plan the day, tickets ect,-then get ditched.Only having a small source of herp friends, if one friend backs out, it ********it.It would be okm to go alone,but my girlfriends were going to come check out some tanks ect, trying to persuade into owning a snake, or at least check out the expo, and get interested.
I suppose its just quite annoying, i could go alone, and sure to run into others, but jeeezzz it peaves me, when other people change their plans,without thinking of the implication on others.I wanted to go to this since last year.Damn
Now it seems i wont be going at all.I heard such things as'Better than Last year", Great Expo' ect, Its SOFAR(frog and reptile )expo Newcastle.
Anyway, must not make anymore arrangement with unreliable people, unless i except that they may be 'unreliabl'!!-That is All.
Whilst reading vents for some reason I had the hughsy not happy voice in my head 10 funny's!
Ne way here's mine...
1. I moved from sydney to a town of 1500 for hubby's work - I miss civilisation - a shopping centre isn't a shopping centre when it has 6 shops in it country bumpkins!!!
2. I hate that hubby doesn't understand when I need something for my set ups it's a need not a want, sick of him winging about the price of globes grrr
3. I HATE that people here in town think the only good snake is a dead snake!
4. I hate that my little sister calls me for EVERYTHING I love her to death but everything is a drama, there's always something wrong, I'm not superwoman I can't fix everything - especially when she lives 12 hours away!
5. I hate that I can't reach the bottom of my turtle tank to fix plants etc that they pull up...or that I can't get the water chemistry right - no matter what I do - or that I can't get a canister filter to work and hubby just puts it in the too hard basket : (
6. I hate that only after a few months my python is becoming healthy after paying waaay to much ( and that hubby reminds me of the price every time I hold him)
7. I hate that I have all these expectations on me to look after the kids, keep the house clean, cook something that everyone likes (giving up spicy food because no one else will eat it) , remember everyone's appointments etc I'm only 25 I want to travel I want to see my friends and I feel like an old lady stuck in the 50's baking cookies for afternoon tea...I hope they burn n taste like crap - actually no then they all complain more aaargh!
8. I hate that after being married for 3 years I still miss my ex gf and that my old besty is going out with her, but I love that she's gotten fat bahaha
9.I hate that every time I ask a real estate to lease a shop they are all sweet and when they ask what it's for and I say Tattoo shop they are butt munching *******s and all of a sudden don't return my calls
10. I hate ..... nope I fell better now .... takes deap breath - good idea starting a vent page muchly appreciated : )
Whilst reading vents for some reason I had the hughsy not happy voice in my head 10 funny's!
Ne way here's mine...
1. I moved from sydney to a town of 1500 for hubby's work - I miss civilisation - a shopping centre isn't a shopping centre when it has 6 shops in it country bumpkins!!!
2. I hate that hubby doesn't understand when I need something for my set ups it's a need not a want, sick of him winging about the price of globes grrr
3. I HATE that people here in town think the only good snake is a dead snake!
4. I hate that my little sister calls me for EVERYTHING I love her to death but everything is a drama, there's always something wrong, I'm not superwoman I can't fix everything - especially when she lives 12 hours away!
5. I hate that I can't reach the bottom of my turtle tank to fix plants etc that they pull up...or that I can't get the water chemistry right - no matter what I do - or that I can't get a canister filter to work and hubby just puts it in the too hard basket : (
6. I hate that only after a few months my python is becoming healthy after paying waaay to much ( and that hubby reminds me of the price every time I hold him)
7. I hate that I have all these expectations on me to look after the kids, keep the house clean, cook something that everyone likes (giving up spicy food because no one else will eat it) , remember everyone's appointments etc I'm only 25 I want to travel I want to see my friends and I feel like an old lady stuck in the 50's baking cookies for afternoon tea...I hope they burn n taste like crap - actually no then they all complain more aaargh!
8. I hate that after being married for 3 years I still miss my ex gf and that my old besty is going out with her, but I love that she's gotten fat bahaha
9.I hate that every time I ask a real estate to lease a shop they are all sweet and when they ask what it's for and I say Tattoo shop they are butt munching *******s and all of a sudden don't return my calls
10. I hate ..... nope I fell better now .... takes deap breath - good idea starting a vent page muchly appreciated : )

I know this is a Venting Thread, but I felt that you needed a hug....(((( :( ))))
- I don't even know if that's how to type a hug, but you get my drift :)
Whilst reading vents for some reason I had the hughsy not happy voice in my head 10 funny's!
Ne way here's mine...
1. I moved from sydney to a town of 1500 for hubby's work - I miss civilisation - a shopping centre isn't a shopping centre when it has 6 shops in it country bumpkins!!!
2. I hate that hubby doesn't understand when I need something for my set ups it's a need not a want, sick of him winging about the price of globes grrr
3. I HATE that people here in town think the only good snake is a dead snake!
4. I hate that my little sister calls me for EVERYTHING I love her to death but everything is a drama, there's always something wrong, I'm not superwoman I can't fix everything - especially when she lives 12 hours away!
5. I hate that I can't reach the bottom of my turtle tank to fix plants etc that they pull up...or that I can't get the water chemistry right - no matter what I do - or that I can't get a canister filter to work and hubby just puts it in the too hard basket : (
6. I hate that only after a few months my python is becoming healthy after paying waaay to much ( and that hubby reminds me of the price every time I hold him)
7. I hate that I have all these expectations on me to look after the kids, keep the house clean, cook something that everyone likes (giving up spicy food because no one else will eat it) , remember everyone's appointments etc I'm only 25 I want to travel I want to see my friends and I feel like an old lady stuck in the 50's baking cookies for afternoon tea...I hope they burn n taste like crap - actually no then they all complain more aaargh!
8. I hate that after being married for 3 years I still miss my ex gf and that my old besty is going out with her, but I love that she's gotten fat bahaha
9.I hate that every time I ask a real estate to lease a shop they are all sweet and when they ask what it's for and I say Tattoo shop they are butt munching *******s and all of a sudden don't return my calls
10. I hate ..... nope I fell better now .... takes deap breath - good idea starting a vent page muchly appreciated : )

Wow. =\
Sounds like you're under appreciated.
Hang in there.
Sorry for bumping up an older thread, but I just need to vent a bit... I don't think I've been this strung up before...

You know how you have a fantastic day, and then it often gets followed by a REALLY ****ty one? That describes my last two days. Yesterday was fantastic, because I'd made plans etc/decided to go out to Winton for easter with a good friend + family (been by myself for about 4 months, nothing to talk to except the cats, fish and turt...), organised the time I'd leave etc etc and was REALLY looking forward to helping with the livestock, and just being out there again (I LOVE western QLD). So, I was in the best mood I've been in for aaaaagesss

Today I found out I now CAN'T go to winton and work, I had a crappy morning of lectures at uni, very narrowly avoided an accident on the way home (3 lane roundabout, lady cut straight across in front of me from left lane to the right,no indication or anything- had to slam on my brakes- she then proceded to drive at about 30km/hr on a 60km road). Come home, fairly cranky but not too bad. Go to hang up my washing and realise my bike is gone- walk over, check the cable (sitting on the floor) and its been bloody cut! All the stress from the last few months built up and I just had a breakdown- the bike cost about $250 to buy, and had about $150 worth of accessories on it. All friggen gone. It WASN'T in plain view from the front of the house, it was chained up with a decent chain system, and they just cut it and pinched the lot. I know it may not seem like a lot to you money wise (What, $400 to replace it- big deal, yeah?) but to me that is a LOT. I only just got a brand new expensive seat, just got it back from repairs, had new lights etc kitted out on it..... I'm penny-saving so much that I've dropped the type and quantity that I eat to save money. The bike was my best way of relieving stress and getting/staying fit, and now some bastards that felt it was ok to pinch, stole it.

Its times like these I remember why I hate the human race. I never understand how people can be so self centered to steal things that belong to others, and that OTHERS have worked hard for to get, and that mean a lot? if its not yours, leave it alone, get out and get off your ****, earn the cash and buy one yourself.
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Sorry for bumping up an older thread, but I just need to vent a bit... I don't think I've been this strung up before...

You know how you have a fantastic day, and then it often gets followed by a REALLY ****ty one? That describes my last two days. Yesterday was fantastic, because I'd made plans etc/decided to go out to Winton for easter with a good friend + family (been by myself for about 4 months, nothing to talk to except the cats, fish and turt...), organised the time I'd leave etc etc and was REALLY looking forward to helping with the livestock, and just being out there again (I LOVE western QLD). So, I was in the best mood I've been in for aaaaagesss

Today I found out I now CAN'T go to winton and work, I had a crappy morning of lectures at uni, very narrowly avoided an accident on the way home (3 lane roundabout, lady cut straight across in front of me from left lane to the right,no indication or anything- had to slam on my brakes- she then proceded to drive at about 30km/hr on a 60km road). Come home, fairly cranky but not too bad. Go to hang up my washing and realise my bike is gone- walk over, check the cable (sitting on the floor) and its been bloody cut! All the stress from the last few months built up and I just had a breakdown- the bike cost about $250 to buy, and had about $100 worth of accessories on it. All friggen gone. It WASN'T in plain view from the front of the house, it was chained up with a decent chain system, and they just cut it and pinched the lot. I know it may not seem like a lot to you money wise (What, $350 to replace it- big deal, yeah?) but to me that is a LOT. I'm penny-saving so much that I've dropped the type and quantity that I eat to save money. The bike was my best way of relieving stress and getting/staying fit, and now some bastards that felt it was ok to pinch, stole it.

Its times like these I remember why I hate the human race. I never understand how people can be so self centered to steal things that belong to others, and that OTHERS have worked hard for to get, and that mean a lot? if its not yours, leave it alone, get out and get off your ****, earn the cash and buy one yourself.

DAMN!!! That whole thing really sucks! Bloody dangerous drivers who are oblivious to the catastrophe they almost caused make my blood boil! And worse than that are low life scum bags who consider it their freakin right to invade your property and take the things that not only bring you happiness but that you worked hard to get! I think we should capture these people, give them blunt objects and throw them into an arena where they are forced to battle to the death, ancient roman style!!! Really feel for you on this one mate
Not a bad idea morgs, but I rekon it should be modified- I want the blunt object (Nice and big, bit of weight for more impact) and they can be in the arena with me.

Now I'm paranoid about things like my washing machine (only position it can be in is in view of the road when I'm not home/car isn't there) and my $500 turtle filter.

I'm just... just... mhmm apparently currently wordless, can't describe what I feel like. Just... yeah. anyway.

I haven't yet calmed down enough to make a trip to the cops, not that they'll be able to really do anything. That was about 1hr 40mins ago that I got home, and I'm still not calm enough to leave the house.
My head is about to explode and I need to just say it.

I am sick of people not caring. I haave felt like crap a week and nobody has cared. I have had my phone off so I didn't have to talk to people and now after a week people are just beginning to realise. I get a message from my cousin asking if I'm okay because she hadn't seen me on the computer or heard from me and I told her I havent been on my computer or had my phone on. Oh what a terrible person I am! How are people mean to contact me with my phone off, my grandma has been trying to call me all week. No 'are you okay', no 'I'm hear if you need someone to talk to' no 'I'm sorry I didn't ask you a week ago when you said on Facebook you felt really down'. Just 'how are people meant to contact you'.
This is why I ahvne't wanted to talk to anyone in the first place, because even after I have gone out of my way for some people, I am lucky to even get a sparing glance if I am down. I had my cousin rock up at my house with the police in the middle of the night and rant on all night, throw my phone, bawling on my couch and feeling suicidal, I had 2 hours sleep, I went out of my way to get her help, and I can't even get any real concern. Hey I may not have always said or done the right thing, but at least I freaking TRIED.

None of them care, they never helped me in the past when I genuinely needed it, they knew what I was living with and none of them tried to get me out of there. None of them called child welfare, none of them called the police to check things out, none of them asked me if I needed help. My cousins weren't even allowed to step foot through my damn front door EVER, yet everyone left me there. And now I have to sufer the consiquences. I have to live the rest of my life with this PTSD, I can't even go out with friends or go to family parties if there is any alcohol, I can't have a relationship with a guy, I can't get a job without panicking, I can't have someone get angry or yell at me without crying about it for days, i wouldn't have had to move out of home at 17 and live on $79 a fortnight and sleep on wooden boards. If ANY of them had made any effort to care, I wouldn't have had to live with that. Why did I have to be the adult? Why did I have to ask for help when others knew what what happening, and then be treated like a hassle? Why did I have to be the one to get myself out of there?
Why do I even bother to help friends and family when I rarely get it back? Yeah some people have helped with some things, but why should have to be crawling to their door in tears before any acknowledgement?

What about my 'friends' who I don't even hear from for months at a time? Friends don't let friends sit at home alone crying for 3 days. Although maybe they do. Where the hell have REAL friends gone? Did you know I've had more visits from the police in the last 6 months dumping my cousin at my door or looking for some guy that doesn't live here that I've had friends over? I would really like some mooching friends, that sit around my house all day, eat everything out of my fridge and make themselves at home, you know, firends that actually COME OVER. Ones that are able to hold a conversation once in a while without needing alcohol as a way to socialise. Ones that I don't have to question the sincerity of. Ones that say we'll go do something and DON'T leave me waiting all day just to tell me we aren't catching up. I want friends who say they always care when I feel like crap, and then actually ask if I'm okay when I'm not, instead of saying they care to cover their asses and then not making any effort when I really feel down.
I'm not the most entertaining person to be with I know, but that's only because I'm so used to people not wanting me around that I don't feel comfortable around people anyway.

So no, I am not so keen to talk to people at the moment, and I'm a horrible person for that?
Piss off.

*end rant*
very narrowly avoided an accident on the way home (3 lane roundabout, lady cut straight across in front of me from left lane to the right,no indication or anything- had to slam on my brakes- she then proceded to drive at about 30km/hr on a 60km road).

people like that aren't worth brakes.

first i'll give a bit of info... me and the gf have been intending on moveing out for a while and yes ill give that i havent done much on that count, and yes i could do more at home however she has done a 1 month class and nothing in between finishing it and now "waiting for the next one to start" and then looks at me like im a jerk when i get a bit narky that shes going out 3 times in a month when im stuck working every weekend and have been for the last two years. is it just me or do other people feel left out when their partner gets to go have fun but you dont.
Chest pain...Waited over 6 hours Sat night to be seen and sent straight home.
Been having chest pains, and was seen by the hospital in Dec for excruciating chest pain then a couple GP visits since with recurring pain. Had numerous ECG's, blood and pathology tests to rule out/confirm all organs are working fine. They are. Doctors aren't sure and had theory and prescribed stuff for possible stomach ulcer or similar. In the mean time requesting an ultrasound as visual on organs. Told if pain returns or gets worse go straight to hospital as they have all the equipment at their disposal.

So I arrive late Sat night and give detailed history of above so they know exactly where I'm up to with trying to find an answer. They do more blood and an ECG after about 45 mins. Then the it gets light outside get called in. The doctor asks where the pain is and says "Your bloods are fine so I'm happy to let you go home. I'm thinking it is something to do with your Gallbladder so definately get the ultrasound done."
[dont swear]
I told him ultrasounds are booked out for 2 weeks, and I'm hear because my GP said if the pain returns or gets worse go straight to hospital as they have all the equipment at their disposal. The pain has now been for 2 days (which is bad).
His reply "Sorry its Saturday night so you won't get an ultrasound. Ring around the coast, it might cost you a bit but someone should be able to squeeze you in sometime this week. I can prescribe something for the pain and tablets for the gallbladder to relax the area.":x:x:x:x

They could've told me that after 2 hours (the time to get blood results). Not wait over 6 hrs.
So it seems I have to put up with pain and still not knowing. Mild gallbladder problems should only last 15 minutes to several hours, mine is now 4 days and not getting better. My fault I was unlucky enough I went in on Sat night I guess. They should have a sign on the door like Dreamworld etc...Sorry but due to it being Sat night we don't have any ultrasound, or Orthopaedic surgeons (a guy with a broken hand was sent home to come back in the morning)

Woosaaa...That's my rant, thanks for those taking the time to read.


you havnt decided to all of a sudden get into exercise? like a new health kick? havnt changed your lifestyle in any major ways within 2 weeks of symptoms presenting? sometimes even something as simple as too many situps can be the cause of severe chest and abdominal pains that can last for days. but although they have been doing lots of tests. all of those tests NEED to be done every single time a patient complains of chest pain because its protocol. it may seem excessive or redundant but it also could save your life, and i know for a fact that those procedures do save lives. pain in the **** i know (im a nurse and its a pain in the **** to do them sometimes RIGHT at the end of your shift.. but we do this job to help ppl not to keep regular hours).
Hope all works out for you mate, let me know if there is a diagnosis and its not too personal (it is a very interesting case study)


I hate [dont swear] domestic (feral) cats and their self righteous owners who claim that their cat has a right to go out and a bout to kill native wildlife because its unfair to keep them inside. ANY other animal that you let wander around in public will earn you a massive fine (and if they attack anything they get put down). they should start manditory reporting and summarily fining the owners of every cat found wandering the streets. it is an exotic animal and has no place wandering around this country unchecked. there should be more stringent laws governing the ownership of cats than there should be on keeping native fauna. either that or make the sale/breeding/import of cats illegal from now on and just let the captive population die out if the owners arent going to take the damage to our ecosystem seriously. they're doing it with pittbulls, cats are easily the next logical step. The domestic cat is right up there with the cane toad, the fox, and the rabbit for destroying our country, when the [dont swear]are ppl going to take some responsibility? and I hate it when cat owners ask "why do i have to suffer because some other ppl cant obey the laws?" well why cant i own exotic snakes and frogs and lizards? because other ppl are most likely going to be D-heads. if you think its cruel to lock your cat inside, then either dont buy one, get a bigger house, or be cruel.

To all of those who are responsible cat owners, well done, i wish you all the best with your pets and give them a pat for me.



my rant > people swearing in their posts and not reading the rules
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Arg! Sorry to bring up an old thread, needed to VENT!!! Someone from my past who has screwed me over before now thinks that I will again fall for their sickening fake CRAP!!! I really hate it when people think you are just that stupid! Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me!

That is all..
Im sick of our governments racist "closing the gap" policy. The lattest ads make aboriginals and partially related hybrids look like inferrior humans, why cant we just treat humans as humans and get on with life treating everyone with equal fairness? I know kr.udd only likes working families, working families, working familes, but i dont see why he is only sorry for being racist yet doesnt apologise for other trouble he has directly caused.
my rant - i dont like people who rant


but seriously

my rant - i dont like kevin rudd, and his cabinet, cause they are a bunch of scum who need to be shown the door.

sorry guys, but the price of owning your reptiles is just about to skyrocket. becuase of kevin rudd and his team.
sorry guys, but the price of owning your reptiles is just about to skyrocket. becuase of kevin rudd and his team.

I don't want to hijack this thread, and I am not questioning, I am curious. If necessary, start another thread?
The lattest ads make aboriginals and partially related hybrids look like inferrior humans, why cant we just treat humans as humans and get on with life treating everyone with equal fairness?

Maybe because people still use terms like "hybrid" when describing a human being, not a snake :rolleyes:

I'm with you cris, but using the term hybrid? Really? Crossing snake species = hybrid. Humans of mixed blood decent = human.
My vent for the day...

My father is taking the day off work so he can spend $75 to attempt to save the marriage to my mother. I don't think she deserves him after what she's done to me, and him and my sister (though the cow hasn't told my sister what happened, my sister thinks dad's the bad guy in all of this) and I know when he gets home he's going to be in a foul, scary mood and I'M going to have to be the one who listens to everything, like always.

I found out my mother was having an affair in November (turns out, multiple internet guys and after she'd meet them, she'd ignore them and find another... plus other disgusting details which I am not going to disclose for fear of making you not eat for a week). I confronted her and she spent three hours blaming me and my diabetes for ruining her life, and the whole family pushing her to this point. She told me she'd get counseling and tell dad, but she didn't. Time went on, I was dealing with my own issues (my boyfriend dumped me right in the middle of all of this) and she starts treating me like dirt. Dad had started to tweak and she thought I had told him. Dad found out, and confronted her, but she didn't admit it to dad though he had hard evidence of it... she then practically sent me to Brisbane so she could move out without me kicking up a stink and telling everyone what happened.

1. My father won't find his own friends and monopolizes mine
2. Dad won't give me a break, he's always venting to me, and talking when all I want is silence
3. I miss my mother, I miss being able to trust and respect her
5. My grandparents from both sides
6. Everyone asking questions... Don't you get there are other things to talk about other than my parents marriage?!
7. My mother acting like she's the innocent party and like nothing is wrong
8. Life atm...

Oh well, thank god for my friends. They're about the only good thing atm :?
wow, thats really heavy stuff to deal with miley..

Hang in there mate...:|
emily.. chin up mate.. your a nice person and none of that stuff is your fault.
I really hope life starts improving for you.. take care ok
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