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I love the Broad Headed Grizz. Those Hoplocephalus are really photogenic as long as you don't get bitten.

I see some birds have been posted. I used to love taking bird photos. Here's a few of them:
The awesome thing is that all but two of these photos were taken either at my mum's house, a friends house or a friends relatives house.

Nice bird shots. Lacking a telephoto lens I don't often do these. The second and third one (I presume some kind of honeyeater?) are really good in terms of nice light and sharpness. But my favourite of the bunch is the Magpie, where the light around it seems lighter than the backround giving it a halo effect.
Yeah the place we found him was all mangrove swamp…I was curious too as to what happened must have been some time ago though as he was fully healed.

Here is a couple more picks from different adventures, the echidna, kookaburra and centipede with eggs were taken while up the bush and the others are from Cambodia and Laos last year…the buffalo and ducks aren’t really ‘Wild’ but they definitely don’t live in behind fences they just roam around.

pede is a cormocephalus aurantiipes :)
Here's one for the skink people.
Not sure what it is but was found in the Nan Tein Buddist temple gardens.
Feel free to post the species name. I was thinking some sort of water skink?

I love the Broad Headed Grizz. Those Hoplocephalus are really photogenic as long as you don't get bitten.

Nice bird shots. Lacking a telephoto lens I don't often do these. The second and third one (I presume some kind of honeyeater?) are really good in terms of nice light and sharpness. But my favourite of the bunch is the Magpie, where the light around it seems lighter than the backround giving it a halo effect.
Thanks again, Geck. :) That Magpie photo has always been a favourite of mine with the incoming showering clouds in the background. Yes you're right, the second and third pics are honey eaters. They're both Blue-Faced Honey Eaters, the first is an adult and the second is a fluffy juvenile. I wish I had some sort of awesome camera set up, but these were all taken with my Olympus digital camera (it has manual focus and high optical zoom, but that's about all, lol). It's currenty playing up on me and I'm only left with my Kodak point and shoot, so even though the Olympus wasn't that flash I miss being able to use it.
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Here's one for the skink people.
Not sure what it is but was found in the Nan Tein Buddist temple gardens.
Feel free to post the species name. I was thinking some sort of water skink?


Nice capture.

What a magnificent long tail !

Was it only a little one or a big one (about 12 - 13" longish nose to end of tail) ?

Had some kind of dragon visit this morning, sorry I couldn't see enough of it's body through the branches and leaves from my patio, it was well up in my tree , to a get a good look at it and it didn't stay long enough for me go inside and grab my 300 f2.8 .
Only noticed it because the minnor birds where harassing it because they have fledgings in tow and they were making a big racket and trying to peck it to drive it away. Last I saw of it was it jumping to the ground and running across the road where it disappeared under their side fence and gave their dog a surprise. There is a wild bushy nature strip behind their house - I'm guessing it came from there.

First time I've had a dragon on my property that I know off.
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Had some kind of dragon visit this morning, sorry I couldn't see enough of it's body through the branches and leaves from my patio, it was well up in my tree , couldn't get a get a good look at it and it didn't stay long enough for me go inside and grab my 300 f2.8 .
Only noticed it because the minnor birds where harassing it because they have fledgings in tow and they were making a big racket and trying to peck it to drive it away.
First time I've had a dragon on my property that I know off.

Sounds like a monitor to me.
Sounds like a monitor to me.

Didn't look like one - I saw a black mark (looked like a robber) along the side of it's face.... I suspect a water dragon. I have been told by the kid next door there are some in the local creek.
Eulamprus quoyii Eastern-Water Skink

Thanks Stephen.
I had a feeling thats what it was.

Nice capture.

What a magnificent long tail !

Was it only a little one or a big one (about 12 - 13" longish nose to end of tail) ?

Thanks. All the EWS there had pretty long tails.
That one in the picture had about a 100mm SV length.

Some larger ones there would have been 150mm plus.

Didn't look like one - I saw a black mark (looked like a robber) along the side of it's face.... I suspect a water dragon. I have been told by the kid next door there are some in the local creek.

The Black line across the side of the head under the eye makes me think it was an Eastern Water Dragon, Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii
Thanks Stephen.
I had a feeling thats what it was.

Thanks. All the EWS there had pretty long tails.
That one in the picture had about a 100mm SV length.

Some larger ones there would have been 150mm plus.

The Black line across the side of the head under the eye makes me think it was an Eastern Water Dragon, Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii
It sure ran fast, it was back on the ground , across the council strip, across the road and across the front lawn of the house across the road in next to no time...
Still trying to take some half decent pics.



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