Bahhhh, you guys have got nothing on me!!
Try lying down on the round (not circle, bullet casing round) eject side of an M-60 machine gun only to have the hot ejection shells fly down your top and pile up under, on, and stuck to your nipple!!!! Red hot casings hurt on bare skin, especially nipple skin!!! And when its on your left side nipple, being a freak like me, you have 2 nipples that get burnt!! double the agony that anyone else would be going through at that time!!!
A few years ago at work I was welding titanium alloy electrodes, a red hot piece of shrapnel bounced off the electrode and as luck on the day dictated, it landed in my lap, burned straight through my jeans like they weren't there and settled on my nuts. I didn't do much work for the rest of the day! (By the way, this titanium alloy shrapnel literally was red hot, unlike your ejection shells, which by comparison were luke warm :lol: oh, and there are places more sensitive than nipples! :shock: :lol: )
...and people whinge about paper cuts!