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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
East Hills
What can i do. I have seperated him but, he still only eats 5-6 woodies a day. please give me some advice, he gets all uv, natural sun, vegies, calcium powder supplements. i can't afford the vet, please help me:( hes only 3 and a half months. and before you ask, his temps are at a constant 39*. the lights go on at 7:30, go off at 8:00. no changes to his diet, no substrate. im lost.

thanks guys


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I am assuming he is only smaller than the others and has no other problems. In my experience, I have found some lizards to be "runts"if you like. I have had bearded dragons, water dragons and frilled dragons grow at surprisingly different rates when exposed to the same conditions. I guess in the wild these would be food for some other animal. In captivity, they still make great pets. As long as it continues to feed, it should continue to grow. When I had a smaller beardie, I spoon fed it baby food, favourites were fruity apple and pumpkin and sweetcorn. When she got used to this, I added finely chopped up fresh vegies. I fed her this every afternoon outside and she soon started to catch up. I also gave her crickets in her enclosure. Now, about 5 years later, she is one of my best eaters. I have also used a product called Herpaboost on an eastern water dragon with success. This product claims to stimulate juvenile feeding.
re Theres

Doesnt sound too bad,5 or six woodies a day if its the smallest dragon in the pic.
yeah. i spose everyone is different, but the thing im scared of is the fact that ther others are litteraly eating 31 in one 15min feed. he also eat two dandelions in the morning.
he'll be fine, all our beardies we have bred have grown at different rates, some a quarter of the size of there sibblings. Sometimes it helps to seperate the smaller one's from the bigger as they tend to start packing on the size once away from there bigger more dominant mates.
he'll be fine, all our beardies we have bred have grown at different rates, some a quarter of the size of there sibblings. Sometimes it helps to seperate the smaller one's from the bigger as they tend to start packing on the size once away from there bigger more dominant mates.

So even if they grow at same rates, would they eventually catch up and be aas big as the others (adults)?
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