Thermostat failed!

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2008
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Lucky I was home when it happened, my 9 month old dimming thermostat failed.. It took a few minutes to figure out what happened.. First the enlcosure lights where all out so check power points and NO POWER, it had tripped out the circuit and had to be turned back on in meter box. Then all systems go, except my red heat bulb (150W) wasn't working, it was toast, so new heat bulb in and it worked....until I noticed that it wasnt actually registering..just on full power and thermostat wasnt doing its job..

Has this happened to anyone else and do you know the cause of this?

(It is a good brand thermostat..which is sort of a big let down..)
Thats true tenacres, but I was using the correct wattage for my enclosure, & the thermostat (Habistat) is rated up to 300W.

Just strange how it happened...unless the globe was just due to die and freakishly so was the thermostat control...nothing would have happened if i wasnt home except my dragons would have been left in the dark all day with no heat...
it's not all that uncomon, things fail, they are not going to last for eternity.
it's not a brand thing, it's not a quality thing, it just happens
yeh..just going to have to put it down to bad the dud out of the batch most likely..
Thats true tenacres, but I was using the correct wattage for my enclosure, & the thermostat (Habistat) is rated up to 300W.

Just strange how it happened...unless the globe was just due to die and freakishly so was the thermostat control...nothing would have happened if i wasnt home except my dragons would have been left in the dark all day with no heat...

it may be rated 300w, but some think that means you use 300w and if that stays on and doesn't go of you can come back to a fried reptile :shock:
I`ve had a pulse proportional thermostat do a similar thing, all the lights on the thermostat showed that there was power going to the thermostat but it wasn`t sending any power to the heating elements, but after it blew a couple of ceramic heat emmitters (had them glowing cherry red) i found that the thermostat was actuall supplying full power to the ceramics. I had mine replaced as it was under warranty, but i`ve never had a problem with the 15 or so other thermostats i use (same brand) I just put it down to crap happens :).
Thermostats are perfectly safe if used correctly, they are used by many 1000's of people all around the world. That is a very high powered lamp you are using. As has been said things can fail. The trick is not to use a heat source that is too powerful and could cook the animals.
I swear by them and would recomend them to anyone, even with a low wattage heat mat you cant be there all the time to turn them off when you get one of them freak hot days.
Thermostats are perfectly safe if used correctly, they are used by many 1000's of people all around the world. That is a very high powered lamp you are using. As has been said things can fail. The trick is not to use a heat source that is too powerful and could cook the animals.

you're right, but they can and do fail and if people don't use the right size wattage you can cook them if not found in time
Things will happen [ Murphys Law ] . lf you worry too much about it you will never go anywhere or do anything . There is probably more chance of having a car accident on the way home than finding a failed thermostat when you get there .
I`ve had a pulse proportional thermostat do a similar thing, all the lights on the thermostat showed that there was power going to the thermostat but it wasn`t sending any power to the heating elements, but after it blew a couple of ceramic heat emmitters (had them glowing cherry red) i found that the thermostat was actuall supplying full power to the ceramics. I had mine replaced as it was under warranty, but i`ve never had a problem with the 15 or so other thermostats i use (same brand) I just put it down to crap happens :).

Exactly! & mines under warranty still aswell. Crap does happen!

What does everyone think of the Habistat Reptile Radiators? Compared to using heat bulbs?
you have me worried now. i have a 100w heatcord that im gonna be using for my rack system for geckos. is this wattage too high? i am in melb so gets cool. i didnt want to have a 50w running all the time and struggling to hold the temps?
thermostats can fail from a power spike, its not allways a faulty thermostat. thermostats should be pluged into a surge protecter to help prevent surges and spikes.
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