Forgive my ignorance, but even the most healthy organism/animal, with an impeccable immune system can still fall ill and die... What about E. coli, Salmonella, any of those random bacteria that so readily jump on things and cause things to go off and harm things especially in that temperature range, it is prime conditions and temperature for those bacteria to flourish! i.e. 30+ degrees or whatever, a moist environment, humid, and not to mention, multitudes of FOOD for such tiny bacteria to thrive on! NO WAY! It cant possibly multiply to such magnitudes to EVER compromise the health of the unhatched snake!
What about runts? There's one in every clutch, they are notorious for being weaker than the average and being more immuno-supressed than the rest... Are you saying that just because it's fully developed or close to, that it can't fall sick? When infact the main barrier preventing or "slowing down penetration of" the bacteria has been removed? Yes the egg is POROUS (nice spelling btw, for such an educated being

that you so aptly claim to be reading literature etc), But its still a hell of a lot more protection than being fully exposed! And it makes it a hell of a lot easier for nasties to attack! Its like... Here, try and crash tackle me, but wait... instead of running and hiding... I'm going to just stand here and let you hit me at full force! COME ON!!!