Thick Tailed geckos

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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Bunbury, Western Australia
I was wondering with your thick tailed geckos, do they ever come out at day time?As mine never ever come out during the day, i have only had them for about 4-6 weeks now, when ever i open their tank at night they run into their hide??I would post pics of there tank but i dont know how?Oh and what things should i do for them to make them happy, and not as scared of people?
if you put a red light in there, they might come out more often thinking that it's night time, and you will get more viewing pleasure. you can get these at reptile supply shops, or a cheaper alternative is just a red party globe. keep in mind this will emmit some heat, so you may have to think about your day/night, hot/cool levels and timing as it will be affected. i wouldn't expect geckos like cuddles at anytime, they are more for looking at rather than handling. hope this helps.
Yes they wont come out of a day unless they are uncomfortable for some reason, mainly to escape heat or a gravid female getting a head start on the nights digging
long term captives will pop out during the day with no urge to run away. my adults are out and about in the day from time to time.
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