Thanks for the support Simon

! 5hane,
I have never said that DPS (if it exists) could be contagious, this was simply suggested by at least one other, well experienced with Diamond Pythons, member here some years ago, and I threw that in as a possibility, not a probability. I'm only an observer - I don't have anywhere near enough experience with them myself, but I have seen animals in collections that have died from unusual disease patterns, unlike anything one normally sees from bad husbandry practices with either Diamonds or other other Carpets.
I don't know why HiramA biffo has got his (or her) knickers in a twist and is so aggressive/defensive about this, it's only a discussion about possibilities. I may well be wrong, I may well be right, you can't prove it either way, and with the info to hand, neither can I. Nor am I trying to. Haven't got a clue what you're talking about with regard to keeping outdoors, or what info you think is outdated. My first Carpets in WA were kept outdoors for 15 years quite successfully from 1969. I also had experience (and success) with keeping Scrubbies, Coastals, Diamonds and Eastern Water Dragons outdoors in Perth back in the 60s and 70s - animals which were sent to me in exchange for WA species, including Quokkas, for the Australian Reptile Park, by Eric Worrell. I did bring the Scrubs indoors during winter for the five or six years I had them, but all the others were fine outside through the winter. I should point out that there were few constraints on importing eastern states species into WA at that time.
Biffo, if you want to write a book jam-packed with new and contemporary information for reptile keepers, I'd love to be the first with a copy signed by the author... my old way of doing things clearly doesn't cut it anymore.