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Not so new Member
Mar 8, 2009
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Frankston vic
I was recently having a discussion with mate about the top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world, he does not think Australia is home to more than half of the top10. so can anyone name the top 10 most dangerous snakes in the world?
i cant name all of them but steve irwin did a documentry on te top ten deadlist snakes in the world and according to the doc all of the ten are in australia
yeh the ten are in australia acording to him and this site i found

The 10 deadliest snakes in the world

1- Inland taipan, or fierce snake
2 - Eastern common brown snake
3 - Taipan
4 - Eastern tigersnake
5 - Revesby Island tigersnake
6 - Beaked sea snake
7 - Western Australian tigersnake
8 - Chappel Island tigersnake
9 - Death adder
10 - Australian copperhead
it depends on how you measure deadly. The most venomous? The most likely to kill you..the ones that kill instantly but you never see near people.. the most common near people?? this was a discussion on the ABC on Thursday as well. Funny...
from Manbir online you get this list
List of Deadliest Snakes in the world as per their ranking : - 1) Fierce Snake or Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus ), Australia. The most toxic venom of any snake. Maximum yield recorded (for one bite) is 110mg. That would porbably be enough to kill over 100 people or 250,000 mice. These rare snakes are vitually unknown in collections outside of Australia.
2) Australian Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis ), Australia. One 1/14,000 of an ounce of this vemon is enough to kill a person.
3) Malayan Krait (Bungarus candidus ), Southeast Asia and Indonesia. 50% of the bites from this snake are fatal even with the use of antivenin treatment.
4) Taipan (Oxyuranus scutellatus ), Australia. The venom delivered in a single Taipan bite is enough to kill up to 12,000 guinea pigs.
5) Tiger Snake (Notechis scutatus ), Australia.
6) Beaked Sea Snake
(Enhydrina schistosa ), South Asian waters Arabian Sea to Coral Sea..
7) Saw Scaled Viper (Echis carinatus ), Middle East Asia.
8) Coral Snake (Micrurus fulvius ), North America.
9) Boomslang (Dispholidus typus ), Africa.
10) Death Adder (Acanthopis antarcticus ), Australia and New Guinea.
11) Black Mamba, both species of Green Mambas, and the Mojave Rattlesnake.

There are many factors that influence the seriousness of a bite. The factors include the individual’s health, size, age, and psychological state. The nature of the bite may also vary, like penetration of one or both fangs, amount of venom injected , location of the bite , and proximity to major blood vessels. The health of the snake and the interval since it last used its venom mechanism is also important. These multiple variables make every bite unique. Depending on circumstances, the bite of a “mildly” venomous snake may be life-threatening and that of a “strongly” venomous snake may not.
Thanks woosang Ive been looking it up on the net and found that the top 10 can differ depending on a number of things,if not toxic you could say anaconda's and other big constrictors would be up there! i guess my mate and I were never clear on the question that we were asking!
yeh well some snake will inject more venom into wat it bite like a mulga injects large amount of venom there are a hell of a lot of factors to consider so neither of use are entirly right or wrong
yeah, it would be a nasty way to go! i would rather face a great white at least you have some chance of living, maybe without a leg or arm but it would make a good story for the grandkids.
yeh the ten are in australia acording to him and this site i found

The 10 deadliest snakes in the world

1- Inland taipan, or fierce snake
2 - Eastern common brown snake
3 - Taipan
4 - Eastern tigersnake
5 - Revesby Island tigersnake
6 - Beaked sea snake
7 - Western Australian tigersnake
8 - Chappel Island tigersnake
9 - Death adder
10 - Australian copperhead

Lol there's no way copperheads are in the global top 10!
yeh idk im just goin on by what the site that i went on said tht is just copied and pasted
It depends on what you call the most deadliest,

IMO if the list is the most venemouse to mice then yes inland tiapans are on the top, if it was most venemous to mice then I beleive a red belly would most probably be higher, but then again if you counted the most dangerous then black mamba would be alo higher and so would cobra becuase they account for alot more deaths, I personaly believe the most dangerous snake in australia to be the coastal tiapan, yes it may be third on the list of venom but they are alot more common in tropical australia unlike thier cousins the inland tiapan, also as most people that have handled browns and tiapans would no, browns imo are alot easier to control on a hook and dont fly around as fas (once again imo).

So it basicly comes down to what you consider dangerous.
Copperheads are most definitely in the top 10. The list varies depending on which one you are looking at, but copperhead is always there. I always tell people they come in at number 8, because that was probably where it was on the first list I every saw many years ago.
these threads pop up all the time,the top 10 most NEUROTOXIC are australian as measured LD50 on mice ,as we are mammals also it is supposed to represent similar effect to humans but how can we be sure unless we measure LD50 on humans

australian snakes account for very few deaths,although in papua taipans and death adders kill quite a few people but the figures are not known
tens of thousands of people die in asia and across the world from the effects of snake bite
Copperheads are most definitely in the top 10. The list varies depending on which one you are looking at, but copperhead is always there. I always tell people they come in at number 8, because that was probably where it was on the first list I every saw many years ago.

Australia's top 10 maybe, but not the world top 10, they're nothing.
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