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i know the answer my coastal did the exact same thing.
i called the breeder i got my python off and he said "the snake is itchy"
he said its the equivalent of a misqito bite on a person.
long story short , put your python in a warm bath and keep him under a little heat.
my snake got a lil crazy after his TOD treatment and started biting things aswell as my arm
i know the answer my coastal did the exact same thing.
i called the breeder i got my python off and he said "the snake is itchy"
he said its the equivalent of a misqito bite on a person.
long story short , put your python in a warm bath and keep him under a little heat.
my snake got a lil crazy after his TOD treatment and started biting things aswell as my arm

That makes a surprising amount of sense. I suppose if you dosed the mites with ickies, they'd be going nuts, and a snake has no way to scratch ^_^
Hey guys nothing the vet can do - either poisoned or ibd or mites have caused neuro... i think poisoned, he wa fine untill i used the spray, but have been told during the 2 weeks of using tod, dont follow instructions, keep reptile in a tupperware container with only water, and wiper mites from container daily. after the weeks clean enclosure and return snake...

I got up this morning and he was on his back, i rolled him over, and he tried to move ending up on his back...

I think thats the end for this little one, i feel so bad :-(

Spring 2007 - Summer 2009

(the first tear iv shed in many years)

Thanks for the speedy replies last night guys - your help and ideas are always greatly appreciated.
Better luck to everyone else!

also - "TOD causing writhing, mouth opening and twitching."
he was doing all of this...

We belive it was directly related to the TOD.
This isnt to say it shouldnt be used - just maybe not on young snakes. or if it is, dont keep the snake in the enclosure whilst treating it. use other methods for treating the reptile - as i posted before with the tupperware container...
:cry:(he's sitting in very shallow warm water now, not moving very much anymore - not opening his mouth or twitching or poking his toung out, doesnt seem to have control of his boddy so iv curled him up gently... trying to make his last moments comfortable):cry:


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also - "TOD causing writhing, mouth opening and twitching."
he was doing all of this...

We belive it was directly related to the TOD.
This isnt to say it shouldnt be used - just maybe not on young snakes. or if it is, dont keep the snake in the enclosure whilst treating it. use other methods for treating the reptile - as i posted before with the tupperware container...

That is very sad news. I wonder if he had an allergic reaction to the TOD. Makes me wonder given there seems to be a variety of reactions to this stuff.
i was hoping there would be good news here this morning. im sorry to here your snake has got worse. but if its still breathing dont give up just yet, theres still a slight chance it will pull through.
Still going...

Hey people, Just an update on the little fella - HE IS STILL ALIVE!!!

Very slow, a bit dumb, but not twitching or tying himself in knots anymore, he has started poking his toung out occasionally again, and seems to be improoving. slowly... he is even following the light.

I guess i was a bit ahaead of myself before - but things might be looking up :)

I'll keep everyone posted.
its wonderful hes improving!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)
LJTorana. how exactly did you use the TOD?
I have a feeling you left the water dish in the enclosure when you sprayed it.
Because TOD would poison your snake if it ingested it.
ALWAYS remove the water dish when spraying.
And NEVER directly spray the TOD at the face of the reptile.
Please describe how you used the TOD because it could help you out alot.
use of the 'tod'

Thanx seumas12345, I'm checking that out now,

and licky, I followed the instructions, and gave some allowances. eg: I didn't retutn the water for 2 days when it says 24hours, and didnt return him to the enclosure untill over an hour after - it recomends 15mins on the MSDS 'Material Safety Data Sheet' or immediately, on the can...
The problem has nothing to do with OPMV.The snake got poisoning from TOD.
Hey people, Just an update on the little fella - HE IS STILL ALIVE!!!

Very slow, a bit dumb, but not twitching or tying himself in knots anymore, he has started poking his toung out occasionally again, and seems to be improoving. slowly... he is even following the light.

I guess i was a bit ahaead of myself before - but things might be looking up :)

I'll keep everyone posted.
glad he's on the improve
Just saw that thread, and video - depressing... just what my little snappy was doing, but mine wasnt kinking, just the loss of motor skills, rightening reflex, mouth open and twitching was more frequent and violent. but shows none of these signs now. just slow rightening reflex, and slow at most other functiions. is moving around the enclosure and seems to be getting better.

In regards to quarantine, I have him on the other side of an L shaped room to another snake. (each end of the L) about 10 meters away from each other. the other snakes are in other rooms... his enclosure has a very small branch w/ bugger all leaves, and a water dish. a reptile full spectrum heat light with a small fan in it. no thermostat (mesh roof) and it stays at 28 (in the hot end) all day.

is this acceptable?
just wondering how your little guy is going? is all good?
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