UREGT HELP PLEASE-Baby Beardies Hatching

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Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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My first clutch of baby beardies is hatching. One of the hatchies is fully out of the egg but doesn't seem to be moving at all and has a bit of a blue tinge to it. I'm concerned that maybe once it was out of the egg it couldn't breathe properly because it was in a sealed container?? I'm not sure it's breathing properly either. Should I remove it from the incubator? It has only been hatched for a couple of hours or so.

Now that they are all starting to hatch, should I leave the lid off of my incubator until they have all hatched so they can get some air?
We always have holes in our incubation containers,
I'd suggest taking the lid off the container/s and giving the eggs including the one with the head out a fan then replacing it back in the incubator, Don't worry about the little one too much just yet as they can sometimes take a whole day getting out the egg, they get tied and often have a rest just after a nose or head is peaking out.
Once they have hatched put them in another container with holes and some moist paper towel at the bottom, then place back in the incubator for about a day.
After that they are ready for an enclosure or rasing tub.
Thanks. I have opened up the lid and fanned them as you said so fingers crossed it's ok.

I have one the hatched this morning which I have already put into a raising tub as it was running around quite a bit so I thought it would be ok to go into the tub already.
As long as they are up and running around putting them into the tub you intend on raising them in is fine.
When i had my first beardies hatch i was surprised at how long they take to come out the egg and start running around.

Tiny little things takes a lot of energy to enter the world.
Thankfully all but three of the eggs have hatched so I have 13 lovely little dragons running around. I think one fo the remaining eggs might be bad as it has gone a funny colour, but the other two look like they may still be fine.

Thanks for the help / advice.
My egg looked worse than your eggs. It's the second one in from the left in the second bottom row. It went quite brown in colour and quite blotchy too. It collapsed so I thought it might hatch, but after three days still no baby beardie hatched out of it so I discarded it. :(

Thankfully, the 15 that did hatch are all doing well! :D
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