URGENT help needed please

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Not so new Member
Aug 9, 2010
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my snake has this thing stuck up his butt/vent thingy, He is a childrens python. we are pretty sure he is a male, he's about three, anyway, we're not sure if it's a peice of bark or his penis, can anyone help? It's too late to take him to the vet, but we can in the morning, will he be alright overnight? PLEASE HELP< I"M FREAKING OUT

Its a bit blurred but it looks like a bit of bark to me. Is he showing any signs of discomfort?
He doesn't seem to be in any discomfort at all. It kind of looks more papery then bark-like - almost like a poo that is squashed and won't come out?

Could be a dried pooh or bark or????? I would soak the snake in a tub of warm water and see if that helps.
looks like bark /substrate but i wouldn't rule out poo from the pic, maybe a quick swim in some warm water and it may dislodge of its own accord if its not in too deep. (keep him supported) other than that make sure you are sitting on the vets doorstep when it opens, definately don't try removing it yourself.

snap sclero :)

maybe get it wet and take a sniff, if it stinks then a good soak / swim should do the trick
Is that hair at the end of it? Looks like a turd?
Yep soak him in warm water hopefully that'll help. LUKEWARM water.. not like you would have for your shower
ok, so when we went to get him out of his enclosure to put him the water, the stuff has come away. When we looked more closely, we discovered it was newspaper! I use shredded newspaper for substrate - could he have eaten it? It was all wet looking and squished like it has actually gone through him??
Yup he could of ate some.

Glad it has fallen out.. don't panic if there is more.
maybe dont let him eat 'on' the shredded paper anymore ! ! this lot passed ok, maybe the next lot wont
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