vegies for bearded dragon

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As other have said, keep persisting, as you are, with the vegies. My beardy is an adult, got him as a 1 1/2 year old, he has never eaten anything for me other than crickets and woodies.

No matter what I try doing, no luck, sort it out as a juvy in my opinion and it will pay off. I've put woodies in the salad and fruit (I still provide it everyday, just to throw it out) and he just sifts through it for the woodies and shakes his head to get any salad out of his mouth.

Hilarious, but not an ideal diet at all.
It's so hard to explain this to people online but you should offer greens to your beardie from very early on, Mine start on veggies as hatchlings.
If it refuses them, starve it a few days and try again.

Need to make the food wiggle a bit with some tweezers or your fingers, entice the bearded to think it's live prey.

Never had any trouble with any of my beardeds, some are a bit slower than others but they all go nuts when i walk into my room with food dishes full of veggies.
Both my Central and my Pygmy beardies love their veges. I chop up bok choy and then I grate carrot and pumpkin and squeeze out most of the juice and then mix all together. It keeps in the fridge for a few days and they eat handfulls of it each day. I also give them woodies which I breed as well and they go nuts over them. They will even jump straight into the tub the minute I open the glass.
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