Victoria to consider child pet ban

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If pet owners needed a $100 license to own any animal that was NOT desexed the whole problem would be gone in 5 years.

Still the under 16 idea is a step in the right direction.

Yeah Good Point Greg!

I dont like that idea Michael, not every family would be able to afford a $100 licence. Owning any animal costs quite a bit in the long run, with vet bills, food etc... So I think only about 50/60% of people would be able to afford a $100 licence...and EVERYONE should have the oppurtunity to keep an animal.
Why we do not ban all people to be born with out licence. Or better, let them to pay fee for it.
Looks like lately govermant or council do charge for nearly anything. They always hide behind reason of good intention. My son just had to pay for 2nd(green) P plate exams. Cost him another $35
and I am sure that this 35 bucks is main reason we have green p plates here in NSW. I just love this Bob Car goverment. He is saving lives by colecting money from young kids.
most of the blame would have to go to pet stores wouldit not? its not that hard to talk a kid into buying a new puppy or kitten!!

not sure how well this will work, kids seem to be given everything by a lot of parents, who just give in to the pleas........should be harsher punsishments for adults doing the wrong thing....
And I would build on this topic. Gowerment should charge small fee for farting. Something like 50c pe fart.
That can be defended as protecting our ozon layer. Boy that would cost me.

But It will happen one day. :oops:
My point was that you wouldnt need a license to own a desexed animal, I know it wouldnt really work, nothing does.

The idea was to make it a more expensive choice to own a non desexed animal.

I agree everybody should be able to have a pet. Especially kids.

Especially farting kids like mine.
Slateman would you make parents liable for their kids farts?
Baritji said:
...and EVERYONE should have the oppurtunity to keep an animal.

I dont agree with this at all ... There are alot of people out there who are unfit to care for animals. If everyone deserved a pet and cared for them correctly there would be no strays on the street and the RSPCA would be empty.

Maybe a $100 fee for a licence is a good idea to stop people from neglecting pets? Could be tricky to inforce though ...
Contraceptives in the water and you need to do a course and get a licence to buy bottled water ;)
Slateman said:
And I would build on this topic. Gowerment should charge small fee for farting. Something like 50c pe fart.
That can be defended as protecting our ozon layer. Boy that would cost me.

But It will happen one day. :oops:

You said it. Ive would have blown a lot of money just sitting here reading this thread.
michaelh said:
Slateman would you make parents liable for their kids farts?
Definately, what else mate. I would discount kids farts to 30 cents becaose they are smaler and ozon layer will get less damage.
Mabe if they fart in High pitch tune we can charge them more for noise polution.

Mooooore taxesss Mooore chargesss. Blooody fredom is not profitable.
its moot anyway. the article says a ban on buying pets without parental permission.
In NSW now all the kids with herps have them because their mum is the license holder.
As to the financial deterrent. Garbage. You can have all the money in the world and still be a rubbish pet owner. Typical have and have not mentality. Poor people cant have pets because they are poor and are therefore must be bad pet owners. Thats a pretty pathetic rational.
Oh well. that my bit.
i agree with you peteresue
its not fair to the people who arn't as 'well off'
they really should have an exam...if you fail = no pets for you!!!!
if you pass you can have a pet
if your pet isn't looked after proplerly instead of fines.....they can work in an animal refuge place as comunity service

i know a bit harsh but....some people need it....BAD
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