Well-Known Member
I am going to compile a letter later today. Apart from the obvious, I am also going to strongly point out the person who has been personally blocking any progress in the right direction because of his personal agenda. This individual is not liked by many of his colleagues within the Department and is totally unfit to hold a position where he is capable of embarrassing the Department. I feel that it's a good strategy to clearly point out this source of many problems, if nothing else, it may cause bit of a rift within the circles if it filters though the ranks. The Ministers should know who this inept person is and act on it.
WR I don't think it's a fact lost on the Minister or his counterpart in opposition, but I'm not sure that will help. I found Gordon Wyre and David Mell to be positive in the meetings WAHS has had with them and regardless of the third party you infer to, there has been little desire to expand the list. At no stage during the meetings was conservation bought up as an issue for not expanding the list and in our last meeting non compliance was not even mentioned as a preclusion to the list being expanded. Taking Gordon on his word it came down to resources - ie money, if that is the case its important to let the minister know that expanding the list is a priority. Not with standing Jamie's argument on sending letters each day, it is important that we get many people to regularly email issues with the system and expanded list.