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westaussie I am the guy you were talking to in the chatroom about me getting a carpet python from you. I decided I will probably not get a carpet python at this stage due to the cost. I will wait a few years for the price to come down a bit. Until then I will be very keen on getting some bearded dragons, frillies, gecko's and skinks though, so let me know when your store opens! I didn't get to see your display at whiteman park, but I certainly would have if I had known about it. I am gonna go check out those other stores that you mentioned. Can you tell us when the reptile park opens to the public, when you find out. Keep us posted.
Hey there magie,

The west Australian Reptile Park is owned & run by Gayne Doyle. snr
Thought it might be his. Glad to hear it's all going to be up and running. Last I heard, He was madly trying to get everything sorted so he wouldn't lose any of his species that are not on the new licencing lists. I take it you are the only person issued with a collecting licence so far? I know it's nothing to do with you (it's CALM's decission) but do you know why they are not letting you guys keep the Barroni's? Seems crazy to me.
:D Thanx for everyones info and help you have been a great, I have visited all licenced Pet Shops apart from a few who are licenced but have no reptiles "go figure" I have purchased my setup from the Bird and Fish Place in Wattle Grove, and this is what I decided to go with.

:arrow: Vivarium Milstone color Size = Width 1490 mm x Depth 770 mm x Height 590 mm "with locks"
:arrow: For heating I have a 100watt globe.
:arrow: A complete thermostat with a wired power cord and remote sensing probe. A temperature range of 0 - 40 deg C
:arrow: For lighting I have a 48" tube holder and Repti-Sun 2.0 Tube 48 INCH
:arrow: Ultimate Hide Rock Giant size (will be making another soon)
:arrow: Ultimate Water Bowl Large

So tell me what you think I know i could of made a Setup for probably a fraction of the cost but i wanted somthing that looked professional and wasnt wood you can see all the items ive purchased with pics at
Sounds good Damo....just for what animal as a matter of interest?

Also as a little aside I have a dual sensing thermometer and hygrometer which is great as you can have it in a fixed spot and monotir the hot and cool end at the same time. Saves a lot of stuffing around.

Cheers Hawkeye
W.A Herpers

Hi Guys

Just thought I would introduce myself to the class.
My name is Lee and I live in the northern suburbs of Perth, I have been involved with reptiles for about 25 years (gee that makes me sound old)

I went to live in England when I was sixteen which allowed me to pursue my interest in reptiles (there is no licence system in place except for venemous reptiles)

I have been lucky enough to keep and on occasions breed many of the more popular species of reptiles including many of the commonly available aussie species.

It is great that we can now keep reptiles in the west and I look forward to establishing a new reptile collection (much to my wifes despair) I have tended to be more of a snake person in the past but have designs on some lizard species.

Anyway I look forward to speaking with other members and sharing knowledge on this great hobby


Welcome To Aussiepythons Lee. It seems like you should know your stuff, I can't wait to see some of your posts.... What are Herp are you planning on getting first mate??
welcome to aussiepythons there lee,
i hope you get your new collection up and running real soon, but as i am sure you know the prices for a snake over there is unbelievebly high!!

Hi Brodie, Morelia Man

Have already started on the collection, have obtained 3 yearling N.T Frillies
all of the other species I would like to keep are either not available yet or not on our list.

You are right about prices, when I saw what reptiles generally sell for here I nearly got a nose bleed.

Reptiles in Europe are so cheap in comparrison, how would you like a green tree python, any indonesion sub species for about $400.00 (captive bred) or yearling spotteds/childrens/stimsons for about $90.00
I have been told if I want Stimsons I will need to part with about $800.00!

Still, I didn't think I would be able to keep reptiles when I moved back to Perth so I am not complaining, even though I didn't think I would have any use for them, for some strange reason I packed and shipped over a lot of my reptile equipment.


yeah well the laws have only just changed over in the WA so you came over at the right time;) also with them prices, thats only for WA you don't pay that much newhere else in aus. (well i wouldn't lol)
Hello all, Today I finally got my first python and I cant take my eyes away from the enclosure. Hes A 4 year old M.S.Imbricata, I decided to go with the 4 year old as its colors just stood out from the rest. Not only that but my enclosure is quite large and the others I feel were to small, Plus I want to breed him soon and hes at a good age, When I get A digital camera Ill have some pics to share with you guys, The price as you can imagine was very high compared to the "Norm" over east but what can I say, Ive waited long enough, I Paid $1000 of the breeder and and if anyone doesnt have any info PM me and ill be more than happy to put you in contact with the man himself i shopped around ofcourse and he is the cheapest by far considering I have seen a certain place selling them for $1650 witch just blew me away, Anyway have a good one :D
good on you. you will always remember your first snake. He will find a special place in your heart. I never forgot my first snake.It was a corn snake and i didn't have a licsence at that time as i didn't know that i needed one. This has all changed now, i have 5 snakes all on my licsence now.but i still remember the day i got my first snake. His name was Conrad.
Lee where are the stimsons 800 thats expensive as hell mine was 100 for a hatchie
Hi Brendan

It has been rumoured that Stimsons would attract a price of around $800.00 for some time, finally saw some for sale today at $780.00 (Adults)

I can't see myself paying that sort of money for a Stimsons so I'll keep my cash and wait until BHP are available.

Congrats to Damo, the first of maney reptiles i suspect :)

I think they can import lizards, turts and frogs but no snakes. The reason given by CALM is that they don't want to bring any diseases in.
I feel sorry for WA paying that sort of money for snakes. Seems pretty silly to not allow snakes considering they had one of the more recent cases of IBD over there.
When comparing prices on reptiles in W.A , you must keep it in perspective & compare apples with apples.

The new licencieng system has only been implemented this year. Untill now it has been totally illegal to keep any reptile as a pet. It has been a long , slow struggle to get where we are now & the lobbying began nearly ten years ago ! So lets be happy with what we got now.

The price of southwest carpet pythons are around the thousand dollar mark. I have seen Morelia spilota imbricata advertised on the east coast for $800:00.

There are currently about 50 legally kept Stimpsons pythons in W.A which are worth about $750:00. Find a python with the equevilent numbers in captivity in any state & I am sure you will pay more than that.

Blackheaded pythons will be available for around $1500:00 - I have had eastern states keepers & breeders contact me offering $1200:00 for West Australian b.h.p's.

Yes , the prices are a liitle high in the west , but right now demand is far oustripping supply & a lot of people are still waiting for animals to become available. It is only a matter of time before more reptiles become available & more breeding programs will ensure that prices will come down over the years. But for now lets just be happy that we can finally, for the first time in our lives, legally keep pet reptiles & enjoy the hobby!!

Hey Slatey old boy - when are you due to tour the West again ? You would love to see the setup now !!
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