Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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:D Hello all, I would have to say west aussie is spot on, I remember being in grade five and seing the pythons at the zoo I was hooked and wanted one ever since, When I heard about the law change in WA, cost didnt even come into my mind, I was just happy that some people finally realised that its about time we get to enjoy these creatures aswell,

But ofcourse I do feel sorry for the people that cant afford them and at around the price they are now, It shows the demand for these guys is big, All i can say to people at the moment is try to go to a breeder rather then a pet shop becouse you will save a fortune.

Stimsons are hitting the market now so as people get a variety the demand will drop, Im already planning on a second Python in the next month or two when my finances allow me to. But as ive heard of a few people as popularity grows and time goes by more and more species will be added to the licences. Anyway guys/girls chat to ya soon.
Damo its great to hear that you got your first snake. You must be one of the first people in the state to get one legally. I am still trying to get one. Can you please get me into contact with the breeder?? And let us know how your snake is going. Thanks.

Thought I might drop a line in as well, as another West Aussie (and the only female one??)
Have my mind set on a South West Carpet, and nothing is about to sway that any time soon.... Specially not the money.
I think its a great idea that the prices over here are so high, it really sorts out the dedicated keepers from the impulse buyers.

Now things are picking up over here, the pet shops are starting to stock a few different breeds. Stimmies are in (for about $770) and a few lizards and frogs around. Although, I must admit, I'm not too keen on buying from the pet shops over here, I'm not too impressed in the way they keep their stock. Unfortunately its easy to see they are mostly in it for the money, not the species.

On a brighter note! I'm so excited about being able to own reptiles over here. After returning from the UK, I was sad that I had to leave my Royal behind, but now it makes it a lot better knowing that I can finally keep these beautiful animals over here!

Feel free to keep in touch you sandgropers,
Happy Herping!
West Aussie if you have problem with server, you should use SJ. He is server and cheap one. Look at his site. Click at Nanabite computer solution on left side.
:D The breeder I got my Python of Is Jamie Stuart he has over 30 years experiance and is very helpful and will even give you time to pay it of etc, He has an advert every week in the QUOKKA under the pet section his advert is "The Reptile Shed" he also knows about all the other breeders around and can help you out with any type of Info you require I would recomend him above anyone around. Pet shops are way to expensive I feel there prices are ridiculous, Jamie even gave me around 3 months worth of frozen mice/rats to get going.

Apparently when I purchased my python he was the largest privately owned python (pet owner not breeder) legally anyway who knows what people have hehe anyway as i said he will let you pay it of, tell you wich ones he has are bitey, docile, etc he also has a couple of diamond pythons wich he cant sell of course but has a permit for so its great to have a look around ATM he has south western pythons , black headed pythons and kimberly stimsons.

My Python is 4 year old male wich hasnt bitten once apparently ive had him for app 5 weeks now and hes been great hasnt striked at all,
Always eats his 2/3 mice on a friday night and has no faults i can pick Im actually thinking about getting a Female so i can breed them and see the whole natural process in action My wife hated it now she loves it.

Goodluck with whatever you decide to buy I think You cant go past the south westerns (Imbricata) there great :wink: :wink: :wink:
Hi , I am new here & I live in the northern suburbs of Perth.

I have just recieved my pair of stimpsons from Gary at "West Aussie Reptiles" . I met him at one of his venomous snake demonstrations at whiteman park. ( he really knows his stuff !!)

My snakes were very freindly & eating well And the price was cheaper than any of the petshops. I am definitely going back to see him in a month or two when I want to buy my carpet or blackheaded python. He also supplys dragons , monitors & geckos plus all the accessories.

He also told me that Jamie was a reliable source but to beware of some of the petshops - I think I will just stick with him as he is one of the best in the west !!
Hey Mulgaman Im always happy to see more West Aussies joining AussiePythons I think you will find alot of help and info and everyone is great and helpful here. Ill send you my email so you can add me to your hotmail (If you have it). I think ive spoken to gary a couple of times im not sure but it sounds like your happy so good on ya , Are you thinkin of getting a South Western ?, Mines just strated to get milky eyes so he should be shedding soon anyway catchya im gonna play some Counter Strike , My only day off :(

Also Mulgaman can you tell me were you are getting your mice from i know a few places but im lookin around for the cheapest place, I thought about breeding my own but I cant stand the little Vermin :?
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