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I have done a few things over the years, most in the UK.
These include Security(Store Detective), which involved everything from Staff theft to Major international credit card investigations.
I then trained as a Fitness instructor, as well as starting up my own business, Importing and Breeding Reptiles, mainly snakes, I built up a large collection of breeding animals, but unfortunately had it sell it all to come out here, it was gutting, but I am looking forward to starting up again out here with all the amazing Reptiles there are available here.

I have also developed a few websites, and have a great interest in developing that side of things(Something you can do easily from home!)

I am now a House Husband(Don't Laugh!), and whilst my son is at kindy I am training to be a Helicopter Pilot, something that I have been interested in doing for some time now.
I love how sue described her job. Just my personal interest sue, How much you like sex and bacon?
Be carefully what you answer here girl. With hansom husband like yours I will not take lie on this one :p
Ncherps looks like you are making your own destiny.

I am lately sitting at computer trying to keep garb. posts out of site.
Not enjoying that at all. Posts like this one in this thread bringing little lite to my life.
Careful slatey, maybe Mrs Slate sometimes reading threads from work? lol :oops:
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