What shall I feed her on?

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Not so new Member
Jan 7, 2021
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I have a Stimsons Python, female and is just over 2 tears old. She is a very good eater, she was eating baby rats. However, here in WA there is currently a serious shortage of farmed rodents. The usual supply comes from over east, but for some reason that supply, or supplier has dried up and I am unable to get hold of rodents to feed my python.
At this stage it is not known when, or if the supply will start again, or how long it will take, in the meantime.....a very hungry python.
Can anyone give me some hints on what food I can give my python that will not have a detrimental effect on her please?
It has been suggested that large sliver of chicken, the size of a small rat, but is there anything else?
Many thanks.
If you have sparrows in your area you can trap, euthanise and freeze for a while. They make a good food source for small pythons.