Whats the easiest way to kill a rat?

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Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
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I have some rats i need to cull and im just wondering whats the easiest humaine way to kill them without having to muck around to much.

kind regards
Gassing them is OK but don´t take CO² ! :rolleyes:
It´s the wrongest way, cause they suffocate agonising. When you take CO, then they sleep in, and become dead without pain!
brick em no need to set up a co2 chamber! and if you do it right there dead straight away
all depends how many you have to do if your reselling them or just for personal use if its just for personal use and not to many having to be done then brick em if your selling them and are doing lots often then Co2 is the way
ive already told you this one laura! all you need is a brick and a quick flick of the wrists!!

easy, cheap, effective and fast! and more humane then soffocating them to death....
ive already told you this one laura! all you need is a brick and a quick flick of the wrists!!

easy, cheap, effective and fast! and more humane then soffocating them to death....

Lmao!!!! I dont think i could smack them with a brick:? I think i just leave this one to chris to do.:D
Just put a snake hook on the back of the neck and push down. Quick and easy, no mess. Killed thousands that way.
Wouldn't you need someone to show you how to do that properly Shane???
Wouldn't you need someone to show you how to do that properly Shane???

Yeah, i'm pretty hopeless with a hook in my hand. It's actually embarrassing how bad i am with them. Just ask anyone who's witnessed it.

Or... are you talking about killing the rats??
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It's best if someone shows you, but cervical dislocation (with snake hook, forceps or even a pen behind the head) is certainly the most humane. Gas is easier on us and is an approved method of euthanasia in research studies I've done. It is NOT as humane as a quick blow or dislocation. The problem for me is the learning curve with dislocation. My husband is very good at it, so I let him do the deed.
i find a shotgun works good but if you dont have one of them just brick em does the job real good :D
i dont see any point in using a brick that sounds like a messy way. id just pick them up and nock them out if its for your own personal use. nearly everyone i no that feeds their snakes live does it that way as it nocks the rat out straight away. but oyu have to hit it hard enough and do it right the first time other wise the rat will suffer.
I use soda stream method. Within 5-10 seconds they are sleeping and dead! Probably dislocation would be the quickest as long as you get it right the firs time. I tried it once...wasn't the most pleasant experience. For mice, I just get them by the tail and WHACK! nice adn quick. Just cant seem to bring myself to do that with rats!! Racist I know!!!
what about a brain spike? Get a hammer and nail and bang it straight through the head. Quick and no pain. Itd what we use to kill fish and Gummys. Sure it would work on rats too.
i have used one of my shelfs in the rat shed , its like the brick method . a quick flick of the wrist and its all over .
i will be geting a soda stream for the pinkies .
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