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Any form of alcohol irritates their mouth, warm water also works. I can say with experience that Bundy works a treat, a couple of drops on your hand then run it down to where the bite is and the snake immediately lets go. I had her on me for about 2 mins while I calmly tried several methods I'd heard of. The pain is as much as a couple of pin pricks but lots of blood.
have a shot of alcohol and put your hand in the cage to get the first bite out of the way lol
Whats the pain like when getting bitten by a large Coastal or any large Python. Can it be compared to anything such as getting bitten by a Ferret now that hurts and leaves blood. Also is there anything in reptiles that certain snake have a stronger bite than other snakes. Such as dogs they say Pitbulls have the strongest bitein the dogs.

Once you pass out from the shock and loss of blood from the bite there is no pain .Just joking ... Let me tell you it doesn't tickle when bitten by a big snake .On my facebook I have an album of just bites from my Scrub so yeah i got a pretty good idea of how they feel .Your first reaction is to pull away which can damage their teeth so as a wise man once said "Suck it up Princess " take the bite and make sure you get pictures so you can post them on here for all to admire .
i heard if you get a bite from a python you can get HIV... true fact
when my husband is away the care of his snakes fall into my hands so i had to clean out a woma enclosure last week and my 13y son went to pick our female woma up and for the first time approached her differently that is with his hand near her head so offcourse she grabbed his thumb and bit down and held on for 5 long minutes.
As others have mentioned, it more the shock of it happening that is scary than the actual pain. I relate it to a tattoo, it stings for only a second but it does bleed a lot. Great advice on washing your hands from the others, a snake bite is easily infected and washing your hands can also show if you have been unlucky enough to have a tooth break off in the bite. Worst infection I have ever seem was from a big reticulated leaving a tooth in a friends arm.
We always have a big bucket of water when training WC retics
When they hit me I simply immerse the snakes head in water
along with your hand or arm etc
They always let go within a few seconds

Then I visit the local doctor and get stitched up
Big retics pack a wicked punch
You can get HIV without getting bitten by a python, it is not step 1 :)
i heard if you get a bite from a python you can get HIV... true fact

Only from certain types of python.

There are two types of bites you can get - most of the people who say its quick and doesn't hurt are talking about the defensive type of bite that is just a quick whack then the snake recoils and maybe has another go if you didn't get the message the first time around.

The second type is much more of a problem - the feeding response bite. These are the ones that hang on and squeeze and really bite down hard like the one Jay posted a link. These can be quite serious depending on the size of the python and where it gets you. My 6 foot bredli has turned into this type of biter with the last time I got her teeth embedded into the nerve and tendons in the back of my thumb. Took ten minutes to get her off. This ranked in my top five most painful experiences.
if a snake bites a hiv infected person then bites you they can probably act as a vector and transmit hiv this way .but what are the chances....
You can't get HIV from a python, or any snake, for that matter. The name Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Human plays a massive role) gives it away that it is a species specific virus. Pls, don't be silly.
As for getting bitten, I've only had love bites from my kingsnake (admittedly, he is only about 18-20 inches long) which just felt like being scratched by a compass or pair of scissors. I say love bite as he gently wrapped his mouth around my thumb before sinking his teeth in.
I've never been bitten by my Scrub, but I'll let you know if I ever do :D
the biggest ive been grabbed and hung onto by was my 6.5 foot cranky diamond, after 20 secs in a bucket of cold water she pulled her teeth out, its felt really funny, (the pulling them out that is,..)

didnt really hurt that much, but bleed heaps and after about a month all the little hole marks finally disappeared.

id rather get bitten by her than my male beardy or friends bunny. that thing has left some horrible holes in her.
Only from certain types of python.

I believe you. You often hear idiotic fallacies about snakes.

if a snake bites a hiv infected person then bites you they can probably act as a vector and transmit hiv this way .but what are the chances....

I dont beleive that I reckon its all crap so is that the same wether a spider bites you or a dog or a cat. Were did you get this facts
id rather get bitten by her than my male beardy or friends bunny. that thing has left some horrible holes in her.

guinea pigs whack a punch as well, 'dollar' our guinea pig loves finger nails and will bite harshly if he can i've sworn a fair bit at him for it
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