Whats your profession? And Why?

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currently studying for a Bsc in food science and nutrition in uni, hopefully becoming a clinical nutritionist in a few years time (masters and possibly a PhD if it's in the cards) and perhaps a minor stint in psychology? who knows.

Why? Used to be pretty pudgy (ok, tubby) up till middle school, at which point i turned 180 degrees and became highly body conscious and dieted in a really really bad way. After the first year i moved overseas i started to deal with my body issues and started eating healthily again, and that's sort of how it started.

before this i considered veterinary sciences, doctor (couldn't handle the "i'm sorry" speech to a patient's family which is why i scraped the idea), arts & graphic design, psychology, zoology and at one point law before finally deciding on what to do.
i will admit that stay at home mums don't get as much credit as they deserve, but stay at home dads get even less. while trying to establish and run my own photography company i am also looking after 2 kids as a stay at home dad. it isn't easy but i love my photography and i love my kids even more, wouldn't have it any other way!
Geriatric health care. Why? Because I'm good at it and I get to make peoples last few weeks of life as comfortable as possible.

A bad day at the office for me is losing patients and having to shelve my grief, put on a professional face to comfort grieving relatives.
The stress levels are pretty high.

Same here, I work in an Aged care facility. I love my work and I know you are "not supposed to get attached to the people you care for ".....But to my mind, if you don't care you're in the wrong job !!!
I do shows, tours and husbandry at Snakes Downunder during my holidays (covering for everyone who takes Christmas off) and I'm a Zoology student at JCU, because I've had a passion for snakes since before I can remember and I want to spend my life studying them and educating people about them.
Wow compared to some of you guys, my life has been really boring and uneventful. Some of you are a real inspiration, your have never let the bad times get you down. I am glad to hear that there have been so many positive stories out of some really bad situations.
any situation is what you make out if abnormal! You can only take what the world throws at you, smile and let the crap teach you how to be stronger!
i will admit that stay at home mums don't get as much credit as they deserve, but stay at home dads get even less. while trying to establish and run my own photography company i am also looking after 2 kids as a stay at home dad. it isn't easy but i love my photography and i love my kids even more, wouldn't have it any other way!

You're 100% correct. My hat is off to you Hrafna. In some ways you are definitely up against it as "society" largely still sees the mother as the primary care giver and also there is the prejudice that men don't do the caring as well as women - Neither of these notions are true but old views are slow to change (but they will) and we need to respect that "family" is represented in many diverse forms.
i will admit that stay at home mums don't get as much credit as they deserve, but stay at home dads get even less. while trying to establish and run my own photography company i am also looking after 2 kids as a stay at home dad. it isn't easy but i love my photography and i love my kids even more, wouldn't have it any other way!

Really? I think its the opposite. When I was the bread winner all I got was - "You are soooo lucky" "Your husband is the best"......Now that I stay home all I get is "OH..."
any situation is what you make out if abnormal! You can only take what the world throws at you, smile and let the crap teach you how to be stronger!
Thats how I attack every situation, I have just been lucky that not too much crap has been thrown my way so far.
Wow, I kind of had some jaw-dropping moments reading through some of these threads. Honest Pirate especially, you seem like a really top person, the stay-at-home-mums and Waterrat as well, I like the people who spend their lives doing what they love, rather than live life worrying that they won't be able to enjoy their life until they are rich. For the stay at home mums and dads, there was/is a post that has been going around on facebook lately about how underappreciated being a parent is - I'll have to dig it up because it is well said.

I don't really have an interesting story - have been a waitress, cook, photographer, graphic designer, journalist, none of those professions really doing anything for me (except for wildlife photography which is my hobby) but I'm pretty happy where I am at the moment -
I work in the reptile dept at a pet store. Its close to my heart because all day I look after animals which is amazing, but I believe that there is a higher cause in working there. Many people who are very qualified at animal husbandry might go on to work in parks, wildlife hospitals or as carers etc and do amazing things for animals, but everyday at the pet store I have the ability to educate people on how to better look after their animals. And when you understand that one wrong piece of advice given to someone could be so detrimental to an animal, you realise how important the role actually is. If I can offer a little bit of help to each person that walks through the door, how many animals lives could be better? A lot of the customers are people who specialise in something, and are busy running the rest of the world and won't be reptile experts, but still love them as their pets. I've lived and breathed reptiles since childhood, so I can offer them what I know, to help them better understand their reptiles and how to care for them - that to me, is very fulfilling.
Wow, I kind of had some jaw-dropping moments reading through some of these threads. Honest Pirate especially, you seem like a really top person, the stay-at-home-mums and Waterrat as well, I like the people who spend their lives doing what they love, rather than live life worrying that they won't be able to enjoy their life until they are rich. For the stay at home mums and dads, there was/is a post that has been going around on facebook lately about how underappreciated being a parent is - I'll have to dig it up because it is well said.

I don't really have an interesting story - have been a waitress, cook, photographer, graphic designer, journalist, none of those professions really doing anything for me (except for wildlife photography which is my hobby) but I'm pretty happy where I am at the moment -
I work in the reptile dept at a pet store. Its close to my heart because all day I look after animals which is amazing, but I believe that there is a higher cause in working there. Many people who are very qualified at animal husbandry might go on to work in parks, wildlife hospitals or as carers etc and do amazing things for animals, but everyday at the pet store I have the ability to educate people on how to better look after their animals. And when you understand that one wrong piece of advice given to someone could be so detrimental to an animal, you realise how important the role actually is. If I can offer a little bit of help to each person that walks through the door, how many animals lives could be better? A lot of the customers are people who specialise in something, and are busy running the rest of the world and won't be reptile experts, but still love them as their pets. I've lived and breathed reptiles since childhood, so I can offer them what I know, to help them better understand their reptiles and how to care for them - that to me, is very fulfilling.

The pet industry needs well trained and educated people babe, so you're serving a very important role! as you said, one bit of bad advice can kill.
I must be the only IT Programmer here :\
Not by trade or anything, just kinda fell into it - Was big with customer service then just upped my job every 2 years til i got into IT Support my brain thinks logically and I kinda found programming logical so fell into that, and now I am now moving towards managing more, primarily small IT projects (still with the actual leg work involved as well)....
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I've always been a fan of writing and stemming from that, public speaking and acting. I modeled as a kid (managed by Joan Gibson in Sydney) and was asked to do more as a teen but declined. Anyway, I was enrolled in a BSc as a way to get my foot in the door to eventually transfer into journalism (I got a VHA in English and HA's in my other classes but failed one and didn't get the required OP for a journo course), but screwed that up due to being way too far away from the uni to commute regularly, plus I had no real motivation to a science course.

So now I've decided to follow my dreams, I'm writing a PCA and hopefully I'll get accepted into QUT's Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drama) course for 2012 and then get accepted into the BFA Acting course next year for a 2013 start. I've always wanted to act but thought it was some unobtainable thing, which it probably is, but I figure that if I get a degree under my belt (as well as better my skills as an actor) and keep auditioning in the US and here then I'll get something one day. If not, I can always go back to my writing.

My high school teachers pushed me to follow this, as I showed promise. I've got some really good references from them as well as some acting tapes I did in senior, which I got top marks for. Fingers crossed it works, you can never fly if you never try :p

HonestPirate, your story is inspirational mate. Really awesome.
The pet industry needs well trained and educated people babe, so you're serving a very important role! as you said, one bit of bad advice can kill.

Too right! It shouldn't be 'the way to get in the industry', it needs experienced people. Its a very big moral arguement that I have with myself from time to time. Pet stores are often in it for the money and don't care about the animals so - do I leave for moral reasons? No, because that won't shut them down or make them better. Or do I realise that there will always be pet stores, so can I work my a** off to try and make them better. Can I raise our animals to be healthy and strong, give best advice I can and help people and their pets? Absolutely!

I think my boss has it right, he hires experienced people. Our head of the fish room is a marine scientist, the reptile room has two people who have been studying, keeping and breeding reptiles for at least 10 years, the dog department had a groomer and vet nurse, with a vet starting soon, and the bird man has been a bird man for about 15 years now. Hopefully the industry is on its way up and will get better and better.
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Sounds good Kawasakirider good luck mate, and yes Honest pirate congrats on doing so well.
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