Whats your profession? And Why?

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2007
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Hi all,

Just thought i would start up another get to know you kind of thread... thought i would see what areas people work in who keep snakes ..... Maybe theres a pattern :p

disability support. Though I've done a fair bit in drug and alcohol and youthwork. i fell into it about 10 years ago and i like helping people.....most of the time. Other times i hate the world and think people are selfish, disgusting creatures :)
I am a Fitter Machinist, did it as my apprenticeship with RailCorp fixing trains. I am coming upto doing it for 5yrs in January still love it as there is always something different to fix or make. I always loved making stuff with metal and working on cars so it was an easy choice to become a fitter.
Scientific Assistant,why-work stays at work and most days are something different.
Thanks for the "like" honest pirate. people often under value women that stay at home and look after their kids, like we dont contribute anything to the world...
after asking all what they are i forgot to say what iwas... I am a coordinator for a program call Youth Connections. Basically i am a Youth Worker. Why? I used to be in the police force and got sick of always dealing with the end result. I wanted to assist children with giving them options and educated choices before going the wrong way.
that's similar to my transition onto youth work poggle . aod in corrective felt like a dead end. go to the kids and educate before it all takes hold.
I am working with domestic violence victims........cause prior to this, i was one myself, & helping others has helped me greatly! Before this i was a childcare worker.......i then had my own kids & lost all patience for other people's brats! ;)
Im also currently doing my diploma in counselling for drug & alcohol abuse aswell as cert3 in business & travel & tourism........yep, at 28 i still have no clue what i want to 'settle with'!
I am working with domestic violence victims........cause prior to this, i was one myself, & helping others has helped me greatly! Before this i was a childcare worker.......i then had my own kids & lost all patience for other people's brats! ;)
Im also currently doing my diploma in counselling for drug & alcohol abuse aswell as cert3 in business & travel & tourism........yep, at 28 i still have no clue what i want to 'settle with'!

I think you should never have to settle Bel. The mind is always changing and needs new challenges, before running the program i am now i was running residential services for abused and neglected kids. REWARDING but very demanding. Due to being a severe epileptic it slowed me down to quick. I am also looking at doing councelling though. Always rewarding when someone can help another :) Those kids who i cant help i feed to my scrubbie
Thanks for the "like" honest pirate. people often under value women that stay at home and look after their kids, like we dont contribute anything to the world...

Yep they sure do.... Underpaid, overutilised, underappreciated; it's a thankless task at the best of times....

I was a single Dad for a couple of years after my partner passed away when my little girl was two yrs old.

I used the forced home-time to put myself through uni, start up a design company that grew into a production company, record label, clothing label, promotion company, band agency...at the same time my band and solo stuff took off and I started hosting a radio show, and I went from struggling to buy baby formula and pay rent to buying a house, a Harley and a Porsche before I'd reached my final year of uni... I would do my classes, then pick up my daughter from kindy and drive down from Toowoomba to Brissie to do my radio show, then back up the highway again to do assignments, get my little one fed and somehow I found time to start a business and get a music career going...

The company is doing crazy-well these days, yet it's almost impossible to put a dollar value on raising a child and keeping a house from falling apart. Stay at home parents do the most important job in the world; bringing beautifully balanced human beings into the world and raising them into balanced young adults...

So now I work from home, name my price, work around the clock (I do my best work at 3 am), have a bunch of contracts that pay me the kind of $$$ I could only fantasise about 10 years ago...I married my hot uni lecturer who I fell in love with the day I met her; who gave us a baby son and brother only 14 weeks ago- a normal, happy, loving family that wants for nothing. Life goes alright...
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Pirate that story is just incredible. Kudos brother you're an inspiration.

I go to school because being a kid sucks.

When you become an adult you'll realise it was the best/easiest time of your life

I'm an electrical engineer...nearly. I did my trade as an avionics technician before realising I hated it but luckily enough my company decided to put me through uni which helps a lot
I can only hope to do something that amazing!!! Have a great marriage and a beautiful husband and daughter and IMO, that makes life pretty damn good!!I am planning on doing some sort of course in the near future, but no idea what to do. So Bel you arent alone, im 32 and i have no idea what to do with my life! Except for be a mum :)
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I have been numerous things, chef, prop maker, set builder, builder, artist/sculptor, steel fabricator, labourer, student admin, union officer, couple of other things and now I am a museum preparator. A job I still enjoy.
I have been numerous things, chef, prop maker, set builder, builder, artist/sculptor, steel fabricator, labourer, student admin, union officer, couple of other things and now I am a museum preparator. A job I still enjoy.

It sounds interesting!
Mon-Fri I work a boring office job and after hours I am bookkeeper for my husband's floor-laying company. A few months back I found out about a job opportunity as a ranger in a local wildlife park but... I didn't apply for it because it meant taking a pay cut and with a brand new mortgage it was too risky.... Been regretting that every day since.
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