When a boy and girl dragon (or snake) love each other...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2009
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In a house of herps - and loving it!
EGGS people! I have a HEAP of question as my dragons are starting to flirt (head bobbing and waving, nibbling necks) sorry better keep this g rated :lol:
Ne ways lets make this a reference for others like myself to come back to I have a heap of q's and I'm sure more will be added along the way

*If you're not home will you know she has laid - does her body shrink down straight away?..

*How long is it ok for the eggs to be left before removal?

*What is the best way to remove the eggs - I saw bigg's pics with a paint brush behind the eggs are they extremely delicate?

*I know we are supposed to mark the tops of the eggs not to disturb them, but disturb them from what?

*What's the best thing to put them in straight on the incubator shelf or in a container of vermiculite (spelling) - if so lid on or off

*How would you know what temp is suitable for each species or how long to incubate them for?

*Candeling - what is it and how do we do it?...Is it one of those phone a friend things to have someone with more expierience on hand

That's all I can think of for now but please add more if you have q's, for those with expierience feel free to add pics, horror stories, all things eggciting - sorry couldn't resist :lol:
go grab the book the bearded dragon manual this will answer every single on of those questions for you save me repeating it over and over if you search ive posted this stuff before
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