herpkeeper, I have read Langy's post. I never claimed to be the overruling expert on beardie care. In my experience I have heated my young beardies overnight and it did not kill them. I use a thermostat to keep the temps at about 35C hot end 25C cool end (40C basking spot during the day), which I allow to run 24/7. I did however lose one of my first young beardies who didn't have enough heating in most of his cage, though he did still have a 40C basking spot. I firmly believe his demise was due to being too cold, especially at night when the basking light was off. That's where my advice comes from.
I never realised that only experts were allowed to post on these forums. My mistake.
Oh and on the blankets thing, hallie, what I meant there was in a melamine tank like this, the main area that's hot is the top of the cage where the globes are, while the main place the light comes out is the glass at the front. I had blankets over the front of my cage every night for 12 months, the blankets were held there with heavy blocks on top of the cage toward the front and were always at least a foot from the heat globes. I'm still here to tell the tale, and so are my animals and my house! I thought that it was clear that I didn't mean to put blankets near the hot globes, and in my experience as long as it's done carefully there's no fire hazard.
All things aside, anything I said is only based on my experiences, and it's all just advice. If you don't like it, don't take it. That's actually why I bumped this thread back up, to get some more opinions so that Stranger has some good info that's widely agreed with to base his decision on!!