where can you keep better herps AUS or USA

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i mean these YouTube - Giant gecko they are awesome but you cant have them here:(

I just got back from Honolulu and they had one of these geckos in their zoo. I took a picture but it was very well camouflaged with the tree/plant it had in its enclosure, so wasn't the best pic despite my many efforts :)

Will see if I have time to upload it when i get home.
i think we have the best snakes in the world.....except the gaboon viper...that snake just kicks ***...lol...but our laws with owning exotics is just crap IMO...i would love to own exotics....Ball pythons...blood pythons....boas....and i would kill for a retic......
thats just my opinion tho...
yeh america does have a good variety of AUS herps its just most of them are more expensive
yeh america does have a good variety of AUS herps its just most of them are more expensive
nah, most are cheaper

i reckon america purely coz they can have pretty much anything, we have better natives by far
if we could keep exotics, i would keep:
everything :) nah, i would keep, chameleons, blood boa's, retic, anaconda:), anything with scales....lol
So if ppl were to have anaconda's over here, what would you feed them when there fully grown?
if i still lived there i would want to get a red tail boa i think they look stunning
yeah i think its disgusting how people are even aloud to sell them they should be in the wild i can understand like snakes rabbits and other wildlife but a tiger that is just shocking even if you did keep one it would have to be a enclosure that is at least 2 acres square
USA deffinately. Just a ball python collection would be enough to have. Some many morphs to work with. Then you have the boa's, retic's, burms oh and dont forget they are beating us at our own game in Morelia :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lol most our animals get smuggled there anyway, theyll have all our albino's soon if they dont already.
lol AND they can cross breed, yeh scorps, they do have our albino's and more, they focus on breeding albino's there, especially big time reptile breeders/shops
Theres no comparison USA wins you know the huge vareity of the reptiles available there here we are very limited in only keeping natives nothing else
How ridiculous! The laws may seem a bit tough here, but thank god!
you'd have to get a farm just to keep it properly,although they dont really care about that there, plus the food cost would be huge
but if you could afford it.......it would be a awesome pet :)
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