Very Well-Known Member
especially if they've just eatenEnclosure dont like the idea of having to put snappy snakes back in enclosure
especially if they've just eatenEnclosure dont like the idea of having to put snappy snakes back in enclosure
especially if they've just eaten
I'm with you on that. I stay away from Steve for at least a day after he's eaten. Crazy little so and so (meaning other s word)
Trust me, once they're thicker than your arms, you don't want to get them in and out of their tank when they're hungry.
I get nervous about touching my woma after shes eaten!
A feed mine in their enclosures. Anyone who wants to put their hand into a hungry womas enclosure can be my guest, it's just not something I want do, and a very good way to cop a feeding response.
I have three jungles all live in the same enclosure have done for years i feed them all at once and watch them .they all snuggle together all three are differant species of jungle i feed once a week without fail and hold all 3 everynight they are so placid and so so beautiful . My darwin is in his own enclosure and can get a bit snappy from time to time but havent had him very long i will curb that ������