Which is better

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2010
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Hey everybody
I am thinking about getting my first snake soon and was wondering whether a Jungle python or a Tanami Woma would be easier to keep.
I looove my jungles........
Very easy to keep and both of mine are sookie....i have athertons.......
Thanks for the info i was leaning towards a jungle anyway and i am now 100% on a jungle
To me they are 2 totally different snakes.
Most jungles are pretty to look at but do not tolerate handling. especially when they are young.
Womas are usually great to handle but have an awesome feeding response and anything is food to them which can sometimes be your hands. Woma's wag their tails when they think you are going to feed them ,they are constanlty on the move in their cages and love to investigate anything new in their cage and to me win hands down for character.
I haven't had a woma, but from what I've read they seem awsome - My jungles are awsome to look at but chainsaw's to handle...They're 10 months old now and still pretty defencive- either way I'm sure you will be happy - they get better as they get older :)
Either is fine. Do your research and pick the one you really want. Then post pics ;)
i have 3 jungles and 6 tanami womas kind of says it all ;) thats why i said " both are just as easy to keep as each other, i dont think there is a better one as such."
I have 6 jungles and 3 womas. I love them all but I think womas are better to start with, they've got loads of character, they're pretty east going and feed well. Jungles tend to be nasty when they're younger and some are very selective when it comes to feeding.
Jungles and Womas are both gorgeous snakes, there's no clear winner there.
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