Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,
i've been curious to know, and also simply because my mum hates have reptiles inside her house, which species of python will probally do well outdoors? i've heard of diamonds, but since im here in SA i think they will fry with the hot weather here, any other suggestions? I was even thinking about SA murray darlings casue they are locally found up in the hills, so they wud be used to the climate down here. This is basically the only option i have to get a snake simply becasue my mum doesn't want them inside, which i have now come to understand that she has every reason too justify that
of course with all those silly stories going around about snakes under toilets seats, and snakes killing their owners etc, a uneducated moral human being like her self would be terrified (don't worry i've tried telling her she has nothing to fear
many thanks
i've been curious to know, and also simply because my mum hates have reptiles inside her house, which species of python will probally do well outdoors? i've heard of diamonds, but since im here in SA i think they will fry with the hot weather here, any other suggestions? I was even thinking about SA murray darlings casue they are locally found up in the hills, so they wud be used to the climate down here. This is basically the only option i have to get a snake simply becasue my mum doesn't want them inside, which i have now come to understand that she has every reason too justify that
many thanks
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