*WHO IS YOUR TRUE HERP HERO*????? Who has been your biggest inspiration????

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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NOVED...... My very first ever snake show I saw was when I was 12 by RAM CHANDRA at Sundale shopping centre at Southport Gold Coast..... I have never forgotten that experience as i was TERRIFIED of snakes before and after his show lol.. He wanted a volunteer to get a snake bit... back then I thought it was for real and i ran a mile lol.... That guy was awesome
for me it was ingham maraka ram put on three shows i snuck in ti all three and was desperate to be picked to be bit on the finger but he allways picked girls but i dragged my mum over while he was packing up and i explained that i wanted to show my mum that not all snakes where venomous he was kind enough to oblige, i liked snakes before,but after that i was head over heals...
WOW thanks heaps for all your responses....
It is facinating seeing so many names pop up who have helped such a great number of us all for so many years...
We are so fortunate to be able to gain knowledge and experience so readily from such awesome people..
TO ALL YOU DEDICATED EDUCATORS out there.... THANKYOU from so many of us

Keep them coming ... and feel free to include a story to go with your experiences with these MENTORS :)
There have been many,the most inspirational person for me would have to be Jim Stopford for encouraging my love for reptiles and amphibians since my early teens some 30+ years ago.
some interesting replies in this thread guys!
steve irwin got me into it when i was little (and stupid), i got myself a hook i found in the shed and used to spend my time in the paddocks catching and relocating green tree snakes, keelbacks and eastern browns and god knows what else...not sure how i never got bitten though? hahah
then i finally got my first few snakes from Troy Kuligowski after being his barber for a while,from him i met his brother denver. ( Troy K and Den from dens pythons) i owe all ive done and achieved and all i know to them boys, also Jonno lucas from erd i must say after all the years now of being best mates with these guys i can still savely say im yet to be tagged by a ven and im not dead;) winning
also peter krauss is a big one to me aswell, hes done alot for the industry and is in a class of his own. i have a few projects on the go at the moment and when i reach my goals ill have these guys to thank.
Ram Chandra was my bestfriends Grandfather, I was about 15 and he was a legend around the Mackay(QLD)area for his work with Tiapans and Browns etc... He used to spend ages talking to me about Elapids and Pythons, He was a funny old fellow and I was
very sad when he passed away... I feel he did the schools in the area a great service with his Demos
RIP old mate :)
One of the biggest influences for me was the late Erik Attmarsson. He was immensely passionate about all aspects of herpetology, and you simply would not get more than a few words out of him if you discussed anything else...this suited me to a tee as an overly enthusiastic teen. I still regularly use his snakehook, which was previously owned by the late Tim Nias as well, in my herp room.

Other than Erik, there's a few others who are up there for me, but I won't embarrass them here...but anybody with a true passion for field herping, who will get just as excited over a small brown skink as they would for some large elapid or monitor is welcome on any trip with me. Unfortunately they are few and far between...
would definately be jungleman (wayne) if it wasnt for him i would still be hiding behind the door when i went to my mums place lol. he has tought me most of what i know and has always been a great help when ever needed

Thanks mate... anytime.

My personal inspirations have been Simon Stone, Nev (The Devil) & lately it's been a big thank you to Ryan (greenmad), always happy to chat and pass on his valuable experience in keeping herps, especially greens... thanks guys.
I guess my dad truely started it all, i think it's in my blood lol! He was born and raised in north queensland (Townsville and Reed's River) and used to go out and catch taipans (i think that's what it was) when he was young maybe around 12 or so and sell them to somewhere that was trying to make anti-venom and could only sell the ones that were over 6ft. He also kept a children's python when i was little and used to take me to Billabong Sanctuary and somewhere else that had crocs. He taught me that reptiles weren't bad and were interesting.

Also there's this one guy that has put up with soooooooooooo many 'silly' and 'annoying' questions from me and yet he still helps me out :D
For months i have asked this guy various questions and for his opinions on different things and pretty much boring him with writing what's on my mind so i must say a huge thanks to him, this is all his fault but it's good that he helped me kick myself in the butt. He re-sparked the interest i had when i was younger!
I would love to own something he breeds one day if he'll send it to me.
I see him as a good friend, not just a source of information :)

I have also asked various questions of another guy about the reptiles he breeds and he was very helpful too. I am hoping i can own something from him one day to 'pay' him for his knowledge.

Then there's also the guy (and his wife) i bought my new bubbies from, he has been very helpful and asked how they are going etc and gave me lots of tips about the personalities of the specific animals i got from him (and his wife) and i'm sure he will continue to help me with anything else i purchase from him too. He is a very nice local that i know i can trust and know he is not too far away if i really need him or his wife in person.

The people i have mentioned may not be well-knowns in the hobby but to me they are amazing and have taught me a lot and i respect them for the time they have given me.

There has also been the various people that have answered my 'stoopid' questions on here (and a more specific species forum) and have been quite helpful to me and not as rude as i thought they would be :)
I also have a few others that are more private people that i tracked down that own reptiles i don't plan on having but are still amazing people i know would be there if i needed them!

I hope the people i have mentioned know who they are as some of them are on here.

Sorry for the long post guys :(
Ok lets get our final praises in over the weekend as I will then be doing a count to see who comes out on top :)..... Will be interesting to compare the count and different names submitted in this thread 5 years on from the original :) Feel free to name multiple people who you feel deserve credit or praise for what thy have to offer the herp community ....
One of my heros are probably Colin on this site, he helped me heaps when I was new, not so much with reptiles but more with getting used to this site and stopping posting all the crap I used to post.
Also, pythoninfinite was great help when I was new, he put up with me and helped me heaps.
Probably others but those are the 2 I can think of at the moment.

I don't think I would of ever considered them except for him.
And now you help run australias biggest reptile forum! Goes to show.
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Smithers for helping me with my geckos :D thanks smithers.
BTW i don't know anyone else :/
The breeder I got my 1st snake of, my step son and one of my best friends and the internet (google ).
I would have to start with Wayne (jungleman) and his wife Leanne for selling my wife something on ebay and then for opening their front door and showing me all their snakes. Up to this point i had no idea it was so easy to apply and get a licence to own a snake and then for putting me on to Nev (devil)
Then for Nev for allowing me to chew his ear off with endless questions and for now letting me drop over for a chat and sticky beak and even more questions and for his best influence selling me my first BHP..Then Denver K who has also welcomed me into his home and let me chew his ear off with endless questions and never tires of answering them ...
Also Ryan (greenmad) who also likes a chat but fortunately we get paid to have a chat and luckily when my interest sparked in pythons he got back into them full on so we keep each other occupied herp talking at work during down time.
I am going to add someone who has probably generated more debate in the Australian herp scene in the last ten years than anyone else. This man created a tool that many use but few claim to appreciate yet they always end up using it regularly. They make alternatives and disparage it but they come back to it. I am talkig about APS and Slateman. Probably the most used and maligned herp tool in Australia, love it or hate it your probably reading this now. Jan, take a bow, you too Adam.
STEVE IRWIN was a true legend and my idol...RIP Steve, but be assured you will live on in my memory for a long time.ANTHONY STIMSON has been a great role model for me, helped me endless times and is always willing to listen and give advice.... Thanks Anthony for being my role model and I only hope I can be as good as you one day! Also thank you to my many herp friends who have been there for me with your support and sharing of reptile knowledge... You know who you are, a HUGE thank you!
Since joining the site as a complete novice to reptiles I have recieved some
fantastic advice from many people, thank you to everyone for your help.But the
one person whos been a constant source of advice and whos opinion I value
greatly is Farmas. He has always been willing to answer my endless frustrating
questions.So thanx for the patience and the advice Josh.For this reason
Farma is my true Herp hero
I am a butler so harry butler the bare foot bushman is my
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